Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stand Up or Shut UP!

In reading some of the commentary on a few of my fellow blogger's sites; specifically comments to their postings -- I have to ask -- where are ALL these people who support DSGIII?

Certainly, they can't be worried about publically showing up!

They have so much to say [behind closed doors] yet they won't make a public appearance on behalf of their friend, pal, confidante.  That sucks!

The Board Meetings need not have only those opposed to the current directives and issues of our CSA and BOE, but they should also showcase THOSE who support THIS District's administration.

You wouldn't want other towns thinking we are all discombobulated and one-sided -- would you?

I think it's time to have a PUBLIC DEBATE.  Let's not only air our dirty laundry but let's hose it down, purify it and let it dry!

Who's in for a good old fashion debate?  League of Women Voters -- would you be interested in sponsoring such an event?  Clergy?  Municipality?

Why wait until an election...The TIME IS NOW!

It's time we start talking, even if it gets a little loud!

You in?


Maria Pellum, Plainfield Resident said...


Calling for further divisions? Nice call Renata.

Anonymous said...

People are already divided. It appears Renata is simply stating let's have an open debate about the pros and cons regarding the current PPS administration. Although I am not a "Gallonite" I can give credit for some initiatives created by Dr. G, such as the district strategic plan, which calls for measurable accountability within various aspects of the district. Sometimes I agree with his statement to stay focused on the kids and the positive movement of the district; but other times, it takes awhile for all the other negative strategic decisions to not overshadow the good.


Don't be STUPID!!!

So now all of a sudden you are afraid of getting at the TRUTH.

I'm calling for MORE conversation.

Or what we should just forget what has transpired and move on because YOU are ready to be done with it.

Well move on but don't you DARE think you can direct me in how I should handle what bothers me in MY COMMUNITY.

The Nerve.

I'm IRISH and BLACK and that's a HECK OF COMBINATION. Don't start with me unless you are really ready for this.


Hey ANON -- 3:59 -- You totally get IT!!!

I don't know what Maria is drinking but she better make sure she's aiming right because I'm not softshoeing anything.

Anonymous said...

@ Maria Pellum, Plainfield resident - how RIDICULOUS!! I believe that what Renata is calling for could be EXACTLY what Plainfield needs right now. For both sides to hear the issues passionately (yet respectfully) stated by who else but THE PEOPLE. This could help us to understand one another. It's a chance for us to get to a point where maybe we can say "okay, Dr. Gallon - now that you've explained things to us in terms EVERYONE can understand, we see where you're coming from - let's come together and move forward". A chance for Dr. Gallon to say "Plainfield, I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE for the mishaps that have taken place under my Leadership. From this point on I will be MORE transparent in the things I recommend. I will respect people and recognize that just because they're not saying what I want to hear, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be heard and respected. Let's COME TOGETHER AND MOVE FORWARD". Enough with the division crap - I'm beginning to think YOU ENJOY IT! These are our future leaders we're educating. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY - why not try something this simple?


Thank you ANON 4:57PM whoever you are that is EXACTLY what I was getting at...

I just don't get HOW Maria could have possibly conjured up that statement; when have I ever called for division???!!! Name it!

Anonymous said...


I think that what we need is a roundtable members, board of education, and administration. No time limits on questions, no rules about "no back and forth commentary" but a real "sit-down." Maybe, just maybe if everyone showed up willing to listen and to be heard, then maybe the district can finally step forward. I'm afraid that I am thinking of a utopia though.

Until the administration and the BOE admit that the community deserves to be heard, and their actions (when necessary) acted upon, we will not be living in a democracy but rather a dictatorship.

Just my humble opinion!

Anonymous said...

What people fail to realize prior to Gallon's arrival is that Plainfield had a strategic plan with tangible and measurable outcomes. While Gallon poo pooed everything initially, he quickly realized the plan was supported by the state. More important it was conceived by 42 members representative of business, BOE, teachers, administrators, parents, high ranking stakeholders. Too bad Gallon began toting it as his own. All he did was take credit for others' hard work. He is far from innovative, a visionary, or a strong educational leader. He is at best plagiarist. Leaders don't work in isolation. Gallon has proved he is incapable of working with others.


Laura --exactly. I am going to do my best to MAKE IT Happen. If we are going to understand Gallon and He Us...then it's the only way. A partnership can only be called such when all parties involved have both a stake and say...otherwise it's a dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Say when and where, and I'll be there.


Anonymous said...

The post above regarding the strategic plan is quite accurate.QSAC directed the creation of the plan with all stakeholders present,many people worked long hours on this plan only to watch Gallon state he did not have to acknowledge it.

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