Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Now on a Serious Note...

My Plainfield Family -- don't you dare get embarrassed by this turn of events. These eye-opening proceedings have been in the makings for years. This is simply an unraveling of circumstances in which we all have played a confounded role in from start to finish. You must first uncover the stench and rotting wound before you can heal, restore and move on!

Dr. Gallon, III has just brought it to a head but it is by NO MEANS all HIS doing. It's just unfortunate that He was not able to take the high road on this. And I say that confidently because I truly believe had Gallon had an honest conversation with the public about everything that has since GONE public this could have been squashed. I alluded to the Tylenol handling a few weeks ago as a guide on HOW TO manage through a crisis, and for all intent and purpose this is a crisis. Instead however, he chose to stick and stay behind legalese suggestions of impropriety and the need to respect confidential information as if people were asking for "protected" information to be released. Everything that has since been discovered was already a matter of public record and his non-disclosure of these matters only made this thing worse.

He insisted on playing a high stakes game of cat and mouse to the point ad nauseum. Deflecting disclosures and transparency with insults to public inquiries – legitimate public inquiries I might add, and then further befuddling matters with his self-serving diatribes that brought no value to the issue at hand, but only further served to frustrate the people – ME for sure – making us dig a little further until we were granted an audience or uncovered something else.

Dr. Gallon I told you a year ago to stop listening to what other people say "we" are and start experiencing "who we" are based on our actual interactions with one another.  You have underestimated this Plainfield community too often and now you have come face to face with your own undoing brought on by your need to control and direct when you should have been reaching out and embracing.

Now we find ourselves, or at least I find myself, unable to believe anything YOU say. This is so very disappointing because I wanted to believe YOU could move this district forward and would do so with dignity. I take people as they are – and You have shown me that YOUR intentions are NOT HONORABLE, but rather they are duplicitous at best.

But I am not without hope as you are simply one dude and a few dudettes and not the totality of our district.
I truly do believe with all my heart and soul; “…that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” [Romans 8:28]

All I know is the next crew that decides to hang their hats in our district had better come correct, because as long as I'm here -- I'm going to demand they do the right thing! And that they change their license plate to this state and if they have kids they better register them in OUR Schools.

1 comment:

Maria Pellum, Plainfield Resident said...

Amen! You speak for a lot of us in many of these issues, there are still more facts to come out that I am sure, as you said, were on the making for a long, long time.

I only pray (and I don't pray) that we can have the serenity to go through all of these and come out better than what we started a while ago. We, the kids, and teachers, deserve it.

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