Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear Mom


I’ve been reading all of the blogs and comments and I am very sorry that you decided to help out this school district. It’s a shame how people act sometimes, it’s as if they have no life and they just want to ruin yours for the heck of it. Just know that I appreciate and love you. Remember don’t worry about what people say just focus on the real reason why you got on the board, to serve the children not entertain child-like comments and blog post.

To all the bloggers and commenter who spend their time to attack my mother:

I really wish you guys a good life, although it is kind of sad that you are focused so much on my mother’s life and the things she does to protect herself and to express her feelings . I don’t know you guys personally so I won’t judge, (which is probably something you adults can learn from me) but I will say you have definitely influenced my level of respect for you. Also it’s not so much that you attack my mother, (She is a very strong lady so she can stand up for herself) but how can you afford to attack anyone as if you are better than someone?

I learned in church just this past Wednesday, “that as we judge, so shall we be judged”. I don’t know about you all, but I would be very careful about deciding someone’s fate or casting judgments.

My Mom is not always right and she is not perfect, but she has always been there for me, my friends, my schools and this community.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Comparison is Undeniable

Sherrod & Plainfield's BOA

The firestorm of inappropriate responses, continued misinformation and over-the-top assumptions are what make up the perfect teachable moment.

Now if only we could get President Obama to Plainfield to deliver the lesson!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Homecoming By: Cynthia Voigt

I am currently reading the book Homecoming and I have to say it's not the best book. There were no twist or turns, there is nothing that makes me want to keep reading. I wouldn't recommend this at all. This book is suppose to be about a 13 year old name Dicey and her siblings and how their mother leaves them and they have to walk all the way to Bridgeport by themselves. Now does that sound interesting? No. Some might find it interesting if your into boring books. . . But as for me I will never read a book like this again. I guess some books arent as interesting as their cover. I think I'm going to read the summary next time i pick a book!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Back And Very Proud!

Even I have to take a break from writing about this madness! Sooo. . . What Now?

Let's talk about the board of education. I can say honestly they are slowly but surely getting their stuff together. Some board members that I had close to no hope for have pulled themselves together. Now that makes me happy! I think we now have a chance to get something done and focus on THE CHILDREN (YAY!)! So keep up the good work board members and enjoy your summer! Now I’m off to have the best summer ever! For all you peoples I hope you have a good one too!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Maybe This Will Get You Thinking

     Now I need to understand why some of you grown people try to attack MY mother. Really are you kidding me so you mean your going to personally go up at MY mother when MY mother clearly does not make any of the decisions. The only thing she can do is be one of the five to vote something up or down THAT IS IT. Is that so hard to understand? My mother is only one person . . . there are nine people on the board now what can one person honestly do?
      Since some people want to complain and criticize so much , how about they run for the board put in 8-16 hours maybe two times a week plus whatever job they do and still have to have time for their child, husband or whatever. It is not easy and nothing to brag about it’s kind of sad that the district is in so much crap that they have to spend 8-16 hours in meetings.

     Put yourself in these shoes: You work 7 hours starting work at 9 am then you go into a meeting another 8 hours so around this time it’s about 12 or 1 am right? That’s 17 hours in total then you want to sleep right? But now you realize I have to go home, cook dinner and get my child in bed and let’s not forget check homework. . . Now its 2:30 and that’s when you and your child will get to sleep finally. That’s how it is for me and my mother, my father works nights so of course I stay at the meetings until 12 sometimes 1 maybe even 2. Who in there right mind would brag about that? Think people think. It’s not that hard.

Welp I’m sleepy so goodnight!

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