Monday, November 30, 2009


Hey Everybody; What a wonderful extended weekend it was! I spent time with my family and then celebrated my 25th Class Reunion with some tried and true friends.

My Hubby & I Enjoying ourselves at the

PHS Class of 1984 - 25th Reunion

How I so enjoyed this short reprieve!

Just wanted to drop you all a note to let you know -- I am BaaAAACCCkkkkk!

BUT-- I will be absent for a few day as I have a PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Course to attend for the next two days...ironic right??!!!

By then I'm sure we will have A LOT to Chat about.

Until then -- Be Well!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

La Luz!

When this is all said and done there is going to be jaw-dropping truths revealed that will stand this city on its ear!

Then those who thought this a mere exercise in targeting employees will be humbled.

There's a JOHNSON & JOHNSON case study that is used in MBA program praticum as an example of GOOD and Earnest Leadership. The company's leadership chose to pull all Tylenol products off the shelf after several deaths had occurred due to product tampering. The leadership didn't wait, didn't maneuver, didn't manipulate or make the media go into a fact finding mission. They recognized the long-term detrimental impact versus the short-term (save-face) benefit and they CHOSE to do the RIGHT THING!

It is unfortunate that I have discovered so many more facts than I ever wanted to know about the Floridians, including Dr. Gallon and yes our Board. It saddens me but not to the point that I am willing to take on the fetal position and give in. Quite the opposite. I am more determined than ever to demand the RIGHT thing be done across the board.

If I have proven nothing else to this city -- I am SERIOUS about providing my daughter with a nonsense free, rigorous, GRADE A education. And furthermore -- I WILL NOT settle for anything less.

I regret the way this entire situation was handled, but I do believe that this will serve as a case study for future doctorial candidates in the field of education. You can not ignore your public, try to speak over their heads, devalue their input, decide they are beneath your station or try to negate their power or their resolve.

There is NOTHING more determined than a Mother protecting her offspring. NOTHING! That is to say, Not A THING!

The Audacity to Inquire!!!

I am quite disgusted with some of the commentary posted on Maria’s blog. How dare people attack folks because they seek the truth. I've been writing this blog for almost two years and not ONCE did any of the Floridian's name appear in any of my writing despite the many, many complaints I received from district employees. That was until it was DISCLOSED that (and might I add substantiated by the mere fact that the contracts were rescinded) they lacked the proper credentialing.

We have a right to demand qualified personnel in the running of
OUR school system!

How juvenile to assess this as a personal attack on the Floridians. That is so, so SILLY. You cannot expose what is not HIDDEN.


Did this blogger hirer uncertified individuals? What this blogger did do was bring to bear the responsibility of the powers- that-be to rectify the situation. Is she satisfied with Dr. Gallon’s and the Board’s remedy? ABSOLUTELY NOT! If it were legitimate they would have allowed the conversation to be had between the community and themselves. So where is the integrity in that?

Did you know that the Board can actually vote to extend Privilege of the floor? Try going to other towns Board meetings and discover and learn…

Dr. Gallon and the Board can hide behind the legalese of confidentiality -- but there are facts on the record that are PUBLIC knowledge and it is this that this public seeks and I WILL get.

So – to all you who wish to marginalize this inquiry into a personal attack – I say get real and grow up!

Renata goes on the record right here and right now – I don’t give a DAMN about what the Floridians do in and on their personal time – but when they are wasting MY money – IT’s MY BUSINESS!

It's NOT Personal -- It's PERSONNEL!

And for the record – you can do all the witch hunting you want -- but if there are no Witches or Warlocks around -- then there is nothing to be found! Alrighty!

And YOU shall know the TRUTH and the
TRUTH shall set YOU FREE!
[John 8:32]

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Saga Continues...

Check out Jay Cooke’s Commentary NUMERO DOS... It’s “on point”, honest and quite the state of affairs.

I told you guys last Tuesday – my Pastor says; “if you want people to stop gossiping – then you give them all the facts!” People can’t MAKE UP stuff if we all have the same information!

And you thought I was just being a wisenheimer!

Also check out PEA President’s message to constituents. Profoundly honest, focused and charged!

Well folks like I said before – keep your head up and buckle-up…this ride has only just begun!

And don’t you fret because
we’ve been waiting for!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

They KEEP Showing Us WHO They Are...

Are you WATCHING Plainfield FAMILY!!!

Plainfield schools administrator alleges assault at the hands of assistant superintendent
November 20, 2009

PLAINFIELD — A municipal court hearing is set for 9 a.m. Dec. 7 after a Plainfield Public Schools administrator alleged that his supervisor, district Assistant Superintendent Angela Kemp, physically assaulted him during a staff meeting earlier this school year.

Phillip Williamson, the district's principal of bilingual education, on Tuesday filed a report on the incident with the Plainfield Police Division, according to city Public Safety Director Martin Hellwig. Williamson said Friday that he subsequently filed a complaint to Plainfield Municipal Court, putting in motion judicial proceedings on the matter.


According to Williamson, Kemp approached him from behind and violently grabbed his neck with both hands during a staff meeting at about 10:45 a.m. Sept. 15 in the district's Myrtle Avenue administration building. Only after he asked her three times to stop did she release him, Williamson said, after which Kemp allegedly began to massage his shoulders and temple for unknown reasons.

Williamson said Friday that the incident took place in a "room full of people who witnessed (it)," but declined to offer names of some of the district staff members who were present due to the pending nature of his court case. Williamson said he immediately reported the incident to district authorities, but later became frustrated when no action was taken. "I expected them to act on it right away, and they failed to do that," Williamson said. "That's why I've gone to the courts."

Williamson also said he went to a medical facility for treatment after the incident, when he said a physician diagnosed him with a cervical sprain. Williamson, a five-year veteran in the district who served as the principal of Stillman Elementary School during the 2008-09 school year, experienced no subsequent violent incidents involving Kemp, according to the report he filed.
"I expect that there will be a thorough investigation ... we need to make sure the truth is brought out," Williamson said when asked what he believes the outcome of the case will be. "It's one of those things where you can't play with somebody's person. You can't. You don't know how you're going to affect them (physically)."


Kemp did not immediately reply to a phone message left at her office early Friday afternoon, but Schools Superintendent Steve Gallon III released a written statement on the matter.

"Because we are serious about learning, it would be regretful ... if an internal matter between two staff (members) becomes a public circus or media spectacle intended to once again distract from the real work we are here to do," Gallon wrote. "As Superintendent of Schools, I will have no part of it."

However, Gallon also confirmed second-hand knowledge of the incident in his statement.
"I am not aware of the details of the complaint. However, the related matter which allegedly occurred over two months ago between two employees was reported and (is) being handled procedurally by the district through administrative services/human resources, as are all such confidential personnel matters," he wrote. "As I have not been directly involved in any aspects of the inquiry, I cannot opine on it. I will, as with all such matters, await the findings and take action, where appropriate."

"However, I will say that based on what I do know through my personal observations of the professional collaboration between the staff in question," Gallon added, "there has been no hint of any lingering issues or conflicts."

According to district records, Kemp was hired as assistant superintendent when Gallon was brought on as superintendent last summer after the city school board conducted a national search to name a new leader. Both Gallon and Kemp previously worked together in Miami-Dade County Public Schools in South Florida, where Gallon was administrative director of school operations and alternative education for the district and Kemp was assistant principal of curriculum at the district's Booker T. Washington Community High School .

[For you doubting Thomases here's the orignal article:

Hope Springs ETERNAL

Well my friends I pray this week has enlightened your minds and lighten your hearts. One of my favorite "thoughts" is the title of this post as well as part of the URL for this Blog. It is the central theme for my life coupled with Faith without Works is Dead!

So Hope for the best... Plan for the Worst...AND... What ever else you do... Don't just SIT THERE!

I leave you with this excerpt from An Essay on Man/Epistle III by Alexander Pope

Chapter 3:2

Whether with reason, or with instinct blest,
Know, all enjoy that power which suits them best;
To bliss alike by that direction tend,
And find the means proportioned to their end.

Say, where full instinct is the unerring guide,
What pope or council can they need beside?
Reason, however able, cool at best,
Cares not for service, or but serves when pressed,
Stays till we call, and then not often near;
But honest instinct comes a volunteer,
Sure never to o'er-shoot, but just to hit;
While still too wide or short is human wit;

Sure by quick nature happiness to gain,
Which heavier reason labours at in vain,
This too serves always, reason never long;
One must go right, the other may go wrong.
See then the acting and comparing powers
One in their nature, which are two in ours;
And reason raise o'er instinct as you can,
In this 'tis God directs, in that 'tis man.


P.S.: And Remember PRESSURE Makes DIAMONDS -- So *Keep Sparkling!*

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The PERFECT Thought for Today!

The SUPREME quality for LEADERSHIP is unquestionably INTEGRITY.

Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.

[Compliments of my FBB:Mrs. T]

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here's My Take On The Situation...Part Duos

To all my teacher-friends, parent-friends, community-friends, board-friends, lifelong friends and associate friends – Keep YOUR Head Up!

Last night should be seen as an awakening. Despite the jokes I posted earlier, no matter how poignant – I get what happened; what’s happening – but what EACH of US has to remember is that we wrestle NOT against Flesh and Blood. You Feel Me!

It’s important that we understand who the Board Members are from the tip of their toes to the top of their head and from the bottom of their hearts.

Today we’ve been shown.

We can pretend not to notice and allow things to continue status quo – or we can dust off our heels and continue to be about the right business for the right reasons.

I caution you sincerely – DO NOT waste your energy trying to expose, depose or reconcile what has happened, is happening. Stay focused, stay teaching, parenting, supporting or whatever it is you are doing for the good of this city, its schools and our children – for the righteous are NEVER forsaken! Of this promise my friends -- I am SURE!

I am sustained and I remain;
Renata A. Hernandez

Barack Obama Academy -- Big UPS!!!

On a Serious NOTE...

This week is American Education Week -- HOW Fitting!!!! Given the issues and concerns shared by a group of students last night, one of whom I've know ALL her life as she is my Cousin (Jamila Lewis) her Nanny and My Nanny are Sisters.

I am so proud and was so moved by the courage those children displayed last night. They did what so few of us adults are willing to do publically ----> go on the record, cite an injustice and DEMAND redress!

Way to go Ms. JohnsonTucker!

Plainfield Community -- Please consider reaching out to this school ( and offer your "FREE" time and talents to ensure this school and these children feel loved, valued and respected -- but most important feel A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY!!!

Ciao for Now!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pick a Job...Any Job...Any Job... Just Pick A Job!!!

The Trick
Step 1
Hold up three cards in a fan for all to see: Use the 2 of diamonds, the 2 of hearts, and place the queen of clubs between them.

Step 2
Tell the volunteer to remember where he saw the queen.

Step 3
Turn the cards face down. Ask your volunteer to pull out the queen but not look at it.

Step 4
Pick up the remaining two cards and show them. They are the red 2s.

Step 5
Say, "What if I told you the queen isn't really a queen at all?"

Step 6
Tell your volunteer to turn over the card he's holding - it's the ace of spades!

The ACE in the HOLE!!
Now Bend Over!

Duck Season...No Wabbit Season...No Duck Season!

That about says it for tonight's events.
Stay tuned!!!

Tonight's THE Night!!!

The Official MONEY MAZE!!!

Hey Plainfield -- I hope you are excited about tonight's possibilities -- I am!

I look forward to the full support of the Community given the myriad of voices and concerns shared on NJForum and various blogger's commentary pages.

And don't worry -- If you can't think of a question -- I have ONE for you because I won't be able to ask them all by myself. So -- please come see me and I'll give you a question to ask our illustrious Board of Education!

See you soon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Role Call Continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PASA .... PEA -- where Ya AT???!!!

More than any group of people you all should be the most indignant about what has occurred in so much that some of you have been overlooked for the very jobs these ladies have been doing without proper certification! And --- to add insult to injury -- some of you have been subjected to their shall we say less than professional rantings and mismanagement.

So Again -- I say...WHERE ARE YOU AT in ALL of THIS???!

I'll know Tuesday...

Role CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone personally know our council representatives?

Where have they been?

Where do they stand on this current issue facing our school district?

I've seen Councilman Mapp at quite a few educational events including participating in a forum PEP help 2 year ago. I've seen 1 or 2 others step in for a minute at some as well. I get that the city's official business falls outside of the scope of education in terms of the BOE, However, BUT, AND -- I DON'T GET the complete absence of their presence, their voice or their support in this critical matter.

Many of them have blogs -- have you read anything with regard to where they stand on this issue? If so, please share.

So -- reach out to them PLAINFIELD and LET THEM KNOW we need them to come out and take a stand.

Plainfield City Council
Councilwoman at Large – Annie McWilliams - 458-7336
Councilwoman at Large, 1st & 4th Wards / Chairwoman of the Whole - Linda Carter - 757-8730
Councilman At Large, Second & Third Wards / Council President - Rashid Burney - 754-9505
Councilman, First Ward - Mr. William Reid - 759-1125
Councilman, Second Ward - Cory Storch - 412-1343
Councilman, Third Ward - Adrian Mapp - 561-7325
Councilman, Fourth Ward - Elliott Simmons - 757-5989

Fellow Bloggers...Please post a call out tomorrow for your readership to attend Tuesday's Board Meeting.

It's time to get OUR house in order!!!
P.S.: Both the Mayor and Assemblyman Green (who HAS Publically taken a stand) have been personally invited by me to attend this coming Tuesday. Notwithstanding short notice and/or a conflict in their schedule, I expect they will make an appearance.

It's Time To Write for RIGHTS!!!

Letter Writing Campaign -- Here's a few...Share a few!!!

Division of Consumer Affairs Web

Division of Criminal Justice Web siteCitizens Services Webmail Form

Office of The Attorney General Headquarters:Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex (HJC)(directions and more information)8th Floor, West Wing25 Market StreetTrenton, NJ 08625-0080

Division of Consumer Affairs Web site124 Halsey Street6th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102

Division of Criminal Justice Web siteHughes Justice Complex (directions)25 Market StreetTrenton, NJ 08625-008

Contact Our News Units: 7 On Your Side Email 7 On Your Side 212.456.3146

WABC-TV Main Station Number: 212.456.7000 Mailing Address: 7 Lincoln Square NY, NY 10023

Send Your Letters PEOPLE and bring them on TUESDAY!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hear Ye...Here YE!!!

The Citizens of Plainfield, New Jersey do hereby serve notice to the Board of Education that we believe the following has occurred, is about to occur or is being planned:

  • Theft by Deception
  • Collusion
  • A Cover-up
  • Corruption
  • Misapproriation of Funds
  • Miscarriage of Justice
  • Abuse of Power

Is there a LAWYER in the House? Please contact me!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Picture is Worth...

The Potentiality of The Current Situation...

W. W. T. B. D.???
  • Terminate Employees Immediately
  • Require repayment
  • Apologize for misappropriation of funds
  • Filibuster
  • Plead The 5th
  • Require a State Intervention - Perhaps A visit from Chris Christie himself
  • Apologize for misleading the public
  • Apologize for being derelict in their duties
  • Resign

Come out on Tuesday the 17th so you can Check OFF the list!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Class is IN Session

Because my passion has always, and I pray will always be about empowering my people, my community and our children, I will be posting information with regard to the current issue facing our district for the next few days.

Please familiarize yourself with this document in preparation for next Tuesday's Board Meeting. It's a long document so don't expect to read it cover to cover but hone in on the certification requirements.

It's IMPERATIVE that we go armed with the facts and not our feelings! This isn't about "WHO" is right but "WHAT" is right!!!

I'll keep the information flowing up until Tuesday's meeting -- take advantage of it and pass it on.

Plainfield it is TIME!

Continuing the Progress

Although not formally invited/notified through the proper channels (something we sorely need to work on as a District) it does my heart well to know the district, specifically Dr. Gallon III, has decided to continue the District PTO and CSA/SI monthly fireside chats.

I'll have to miss this one as I am busy earning my contribution to housing and food for the Hernandez clan, but I am certainly looking forward to a thorough readout by my fellow PTO Peers.

We still have our share of unresolved issues -- but then again -- NO one is PERFCECT!!

Ciao for Now,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Peace Be With YOU!

Old Doc -- may the peace that surpasses all understanding abide with you and yours during this difficult time. I pray you joy to replace your sorrow and laugher as you remember the gift of your lives together. Be well My Friend -- May Jehovah sustain you in His loving arms.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As One Who Values Times

Hello my fellow readers - after looking through the 34 pages agenda and noting there is not so much as word with regard to the Floridian Duo -- I'd advise you not to waste your time attending. That is to say, if that is your only reason for coming. It's best to save your energy for the 17th where you get to talk about what YOU want to talk about. Fancy that...I process for the people by the people.

I'm going to stop in just the same and hopefully get a chance to network with a few like-minded citizens who will be willing and able to come out on the 17th and use our collective bargaining cards.

S0 -- stay in and enjoy some family time or veg with the boob tube. I'm going for some live entertainment...

Nighty Nite!

P.S.: Where's my Brother George...Anyone seen the God-Father of PEP? I miss him! Let him know The Pitt Bull is asking for him to phone home... LOL.

Will YOU be There!

There's been a lot of questions as to WWTBD (what will the board do) with regard to the two non-certificated ladies bilking our childrens' funds.

My suggestion is that you come out tonight to find out!

Meet YOU there!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Please join me and other concerned citizens on NOVEMBER 17th during our BOE Business Meeting as we stand united and determined to create the type of educational system we want and deserve.

We will be meeting at the 10th's BOE Meeting just to show face and let them know that "WE ARE SERIOUS" about Learning!

Contact me ( so that we can strategize and ensure we are not only heard by LISTEN to!

Please mark your calendars and come prepared to discuss, dialog and demand what is BEST for OUR Children!

United we STAND-- Yes we CAN!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Way "I" See IT is...!

My Letter to the Community;

After reading our CSA’s letter of November, I am compelled to write this so that he as well as the BOE and the community are clear as to what it is I seek per my call to action letter.

My specific request was for ACTION not information!

As a citizen I have the right to request action and where information is public that as well.

The certification issue with regard to these ladies is public knowledge – so there is really no need to red herring the conversation to this end. I’ve looked up both these ladies and see that one is certified for teaching math, while another had disciplinary action taken against her in ’99 that lasted until ’01 – and I was unable to locate any certifications.

The County Superintendent has done the research and she has found them lacking the appropriate certification -- that is GOOD ENOUGH for me! Lessen of course-- the BOE can produce other substantiated information that would support retaining them in their positions, but until THEY DO/YOU DO…put these girls on suspension without pay!

I think we all need to get off our collective duffs and go to the Board meeting on November 10th and share our concern, but we need to be organized and purposeful. We need to ensure that each Board member is given the opportunity to speak and address our issues.

Let’s meet ½ hour before the meeting and plan a strategy, or better yet Monday at the public library. What say ye one and all???!!!

Let’s confront this issue with dignity and tact so that they are unable to ignore us any longer. If we approach this with arrogance, ignorance and malediction then we give them the power to marginalize our concerns and our presence.

If you are interested in forming a united front -- email me:

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