Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Barack Obama Academy -- Big UPS!!!

On a Serious NOTE...

This week is American Education Week -- HOW Fitting!!!! Given the issues and concerns shared by a group of students last night, one of whom I've know ALL her life as she is my Cousin (Jamila Lewis) her Nanny and My Nanny are Sisters.

I am so proud and was so moved by the courage those children displayed last night. They did what so few of us adults are willing to do publically ----> go on the record, cite an injustice and DEMAND redress!

Way to go Ms. JohnsonTucker!

Plainfield Community -- Please consider reaching out to this school ( and offer your "FREE" time and talents to ensure this school and these children feel loved, valued and respected -- but most important feel A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY!!!

Ciao for Now!


Anonymous said...

Many teachers see you and Laura as our hopeful leaders for change and for helping us be treated fairly. Unfortunately teachers still fear to be visible supporters because of who we are dealing witth. If our PEA ad PASA presidents back both of you up then I am sure teachers will be more supportive as well. Maybe you can reach out to them first so that you can have more support for the good you both seem to be fighting for. We wish u luck and hope for a fast resolution


I thank you, but I must caution you to not expect change without sacrifice. I am more fluid because I am employed elsewhere, but the price I pay is time away from constructive solution seeking for which I am much better suited and more inclined to indulge myself.

I have always extended a hand to Ms. Cardona and any teacher, employee or parent who has asked, but I can't fight anyone's battles. I will gladly support you all in any effort that is genuine and of the highest order for improving our educational system.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:27,

As much as I appreciate you thanking me for being at the meeting, etc., I wasn't there due to a death in the family. I was there in spirit though, and I'm appalled at what happened. Believe me, I will be there at the next meeting.


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