Tuesday, November 24, 2009

La Luz!

When this is all said and done there is going to be jaw-dropping truths revealed that will stand this city on its ear!

Then those who thought this a mere exercise in targeting employees will be humbled.

There's a JOHNSON & JOHNSON case study that is used in MBA program praticum as an example of GOOD and Earnest Leadership. The company's leadership chose to pull all Tylenol products off the shelf after several deaths had occurred due to product tampering. The leadership didn't wait, didn't maneuver, didn't manipulate or make the media go into a fact finding mission. They recognized the long-term detrimental impact versus the short-term (save-face) benefit and they CHOSE to do the RIGHT THING!

It is unfortunate that I have discovered so many more facts than I ever wanted to know about the Floridians, including Dr. Gallon and yes our Board. It saddens me but not to the point that I am willing to take on the fetal position and give in. Quite the opposite. I am more determined than ever to demand the RIGHT thing be done across the board.

If I have proven nothing else to this city -- I am SERIOUS about providing my daughter with a nonsense free, rigorous, GRADE A education. And furthermore -- I WILL NOT settle for anything less.

I regret the way this entire situation was handled, but I do believe that this will serve as a case study for future doctorial candidates in the field of education. You can not ignore your public, try to speak over their heads, devalue their input, decide they are beneath your station or try to negate their power or their resolve.

There is NOTHING more determined than a Mother protecting her offspring. NOTHING! That is to say, Not A THING!

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