Monday, December 21, 2009

Only Those SERIOUS About Plainfield Public Schools - Need Apply.

Ok Plainfield -- If you were afforded the opportunity to speak freely and openly in an exchange of dialog as oppose to the current and only means of redress offered by the BOE would you come out and participate?

Who would you like to have at the conversation table and why?

Let's say we have this 2-hr roundtable session -- what would be the key take-aways?  And -- do you think it would move us any closer to an "ideal" collaborative environment? Why or Why not?

Who would you recommend act as a moderator(s)?

I want to make this happen for our community but I first want to make sure OUR COMMUNITY is interested in seeing this "THING" come to an amenable conclusion.  This will be an opportunity for ALL Stakeholders to come together and share what they feel is working and what is not, what insights they have that others may learn from; a time to level-set our expectations in terms of student achievement, teacher compensation and effectiveness, administrative and elected official responsibilities to the community and vice versa.

Your input (relevant and real PLEASE) is most appreciated!


Anonymous said...

I am definitely interested in a forum of this nature and believe it is SO DESPERATELY needed. Don't know what the qualifications of a moderator would be, but if no one else is interested, I have no issues with nominating myself :o)

(I commented as ANONYMOUS because I don't know my GOOGLE


Lindsay -- you would make a FABULOUS Moderator! I'll put you at the top of the LIST!

Anonymous said...


I definitely could not be a moderator! LOL...too much of a big mouth!

There are so many items that would need to be on that agenda, you can be sure that I would prepare an agenda (as decided by all parties) and type the minutes of the meeting.

My topics to be discussed: unilateral decision-making by the superintendent regarding job qualifications, etc., the supervisors of content areas that were already removed, how our taxes will be affected by loss of abbott funding and such a top-heavy administration, better teacher/student ratio. Those are only a few.

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