Sunday, December 13, 2009

What's My Motive?

Dear Arsewipe Conspiracy Theorists;

Get a grip and then read the Courier News Article.  It clearly reports that these ladies were DENIED NJ certification in August (Kelly) and November (Borge) -- they've been in jobs here in the district for over a year in positions that required Certs. You should be alarmed about that -- not the fact that someone found out about it!

If the great news is that these ladies have since obtained the credits they need for the cerification than Oooh GOODIE see what $20K will buy you; especially when there were already QUALIFIED personnel on staff.  That $20K could have be used to buy the MISSING BOOKS, or are we making that up too.

To all us noisemakers I say keep it up!  They call us names and question our motives but all they really have to do to shut us down is SHOW US and TELL US THE TRUTH.

That's all I've asked for since day one and I won't stop until I have it.  And I won't apologize for wanting it, going after it or demanding it.

Why do I care, you ask?  Because it speaks to the heart of this district's leadership.  The very integrity of the system is compromised where there is a lack of moral and ethical fortitude.  At a very basic level -- If you lie you cheat and if you cheat you'll steal.  I do not want any lying, cheating, thieving people in charge of the system that by design is suppose to impart good moral character to my child or this city's children.  How can you teach, nurture and grow what you don't value?  You can't!

So Mr. and Mrs. Arsewipe Conspiracy Theorist -- get us the truth and this goes away -- POOF!

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