Thursday, December 31, 2009

Change: From The Inside Out!

Too often we refer to the BOE as though it is one entity but in reality there are 10 members; 9 elected and 1 for-pay (non-voting). I get that they must work as a cohesive unit, but what I don't get is why they have traded in their independent thinking for misguided, haughty, Mussolini-like decision making. They vote in a block and we all know it; and – they know we know it. There are always two (2) that stand on the truth and merit of the situation, while the others kowtow to what equates to the music man.

They remind me of an ill-fated couple who tries to hide the dissension between them from the children, meanwhile one is never home, and when they are home they are rarely in the same room together -- as if the children would never notice.

I say enough with the pretense! Enough with the carnival like atmosphere! Enough with the polished words and duplicitous intentions! Enough with forgetting who IS the focus of our efforts! Enough, ENOUGH, ENOUGH!

I spent the last 4 years trying to work the other side of the room. Hoping and praying I could get somewhere with the Board of Education members. I’ve sent them letters directly, which they ignored, spoke to some individually much to no avail, addressed them publically yet 20 ears managed to discount the cries of a citizen in search of a better education for their child.

Well folks the time has come for Renata Annette Hernandez to do what she tried to do from the outside…make the move to the inside!

That’s right – you heard it here first folks -- I’m running for the Plainfield Board of Education!

Vote Renata in for 2010

~Change: From the Inside ---> Out!~


Anonymous said...


This is awesome! I smell change on it's way!

You most definitely have my vote!


Thank you kindly, that's 3 down and 15,000 more to go. I'm predicting a record turn out at the polls this coming election!

Anonymous said...

You have my vote...whatever you need, you can call me!


Anonymous said...

I am excited that you are going embracing this challenge. Many people talk the talk but at least you are actually asking questions and trying to be both proactive and reactive towards change in our community. I am definitely looking forward to casting my vote during the upcoming board elections. At least I can feel confident that at least one candidate is for the people and not just for self. I'm wishing you victory on election day!


Thanks Laura!!! And I'm going to hold you to it because I am going to need all the foot soldiers I can enlist!

Anonymous said...

I'v been reading your comments and perspectives on the issues. I think you are definitely on point and needed on the Board, along with a few others. You have my vote also.


Thanks Everyone! I'm running but it is going to take OUR COLLECTIVE efforts to usher in CHANGE: From the INSIDE --->Out!

Anonymous said...

You absolutely have my vote and I will make sure my friends and family members, who wouldn't normally vote in school board elections, cast their votes for you as well! You are absolutely right, change is definitely needed. The BOE needs independent thinkers who use common sense and not just serve on the board for political aspirations or the perks. I am oh so glad that I do not live in the ward where the ghetto Bridget Rivers is now serving as councilwoman.

Many of these current board members rubber stamp everything that Gallon does all the way back to when they allowed him to demote Chris Payne from Director to Coordinator. He had a hard-on for Chris for an entire year due to lack of credentials. Give me a break! Chris did not deserve that and did not deserve to be treated that way. Board members have worked with him closely and knew him well enough to tell him they had his back when it was time to vote to overturn the demotion (and they know who they are). But in the end, they just turned their backs on him. I guess they get along with Gallon so much because they lack personal integrity just like he does.

Good luck Renata and I'm behind you 1,000 percent!!

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