Monday, December 7, 2009

Mediation is WHAT's least Next.

Well folks I presume you've read Mr. Spivey's account of the court proceedings with regard to Williamson vs. Kemp. Or perhaps, some of you had time enough to go see what actually transpired. My guess is that there was about ½ million dollars worth of SCHOOL Funds sitting in the pews…

Ding, Ding Round 2!

I have to make light of this because it is just too friggin unreal to wrap my brain around this.

What really disturbs me is Dr. Gallon's pull quote that was republished as if reading it again would make it less surreal. I refuse to reprint it a 3rd time --you'll have to click the link to the article for it.

A distraction!

No Fooling!!!

As my Mom would say; "What in the WORLD??!!"

Not even a mother in all her protective idiosyncrasies would fail to admonish her child for even the speculation of inappropriate behavior. That is to say, a GOOD Mother!

With such honed elocutionist skills I would have expected at least a statement such as; “I find these accusations most disconcerting given the current state of our district and the strides being pursued at this very juncture. We can ill afford to have a single member of this administration, or this district for that matter, behave in any way that would cause us to deviate from our planned course. Let the discourse be had and this proclamation be heard from the outer banks of Rock Avenue to the Bridge on Terrill Road --we will not tarry, nor be mired by the centrifugal forces of Naysayers, Confuciusnists, Neardowellers or Cacophonic Pfunkers - - NO Sirree -- NOT on my watch.”

“And furthermore, dang blame it – she may not be the Assistant Superintendent of Whatchamacallit that you want to have…and she may not be the Assistant Superintendent of Whoyamallcallit that we are paying to have…but FoShoEnough – she’s the Superintendent of Whatchamajigit I handpicked that will whip (no pun intended) this district into shape.”

Had that been the conversation/pull quote -- I would know it was time to click my heels three times and say “There’s No Place Like Home!”


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's soooo good to have you back! LOL

I can't believe the mess...imagine if it was a man doing that to a woman, what would have happened..parent to teacher (or vice versa), or teacher to student.

I guess because they work together, it only requires mediation? Judge needs to be spoken too! LOL

BTW, I love your quote for the Messiah. Maybe he should contact you before he gives his next prepared speech!



Hey TO THE KNUCKLEHEAD who wrote a comment that DID NOT GET posted ---Your intellectual prowess overwhelms me! NOT! You're darn skippy it's my BLOG and I'll write what I WANT... Look up the word satirical. That should keep you busy for a week and then get back to me. And I'll do you one better if you post YOUR NAME and EMAIL along with your punkarse cowardice comments I'll post them. PROMISE! Come on Ya SCURRED?!! Go KICK ROCKS with Flipflops!


Hey Laura -- my daughter says to me last night -- out of no where --Mom this WHOLE District is a mess. She's been fighting this School stuff by my side for the past 3 years. I pray she is seeing the imperfection of adults but more importantly -- she is learning the value of resolve and the audacity to get involved!

Anonymous said...


What a sad state of affairs that our children can see mess that the district has become, but there aren't enough adults who will chose to behave like adults and stand up for what is right!

I'll be there with you tomorrow night. I had other plans, but I changed them already. We'll catch up then.


Anonymous said...

OMgosh.... I love it!!!!! You sounded JUST like the Messiah!!!! Keep up the great work!!! Laura- you both keep the district looking towad brighter days!

Anonymous said...

If this problem were handled when it was reported the public would have nerver found out about the assult. It's to bad that the BOE doesn't value the people that work for them and why wasn't this administrator put on administrative leave pending and investigation. I don't understand why Gallon doesn't read the play book. Oh, I forgot he wasn't qualified when he was hired either.

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