Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And in Conclusion.

And so the story goes…

There was never an “ending” to this parable as is the case with our District. There are simply “understandings”that we come away with when all is said and done.

The Victim in this story represents the students, parents, teachers, and community – running out of time and facing the uncertainty of a sound future.

The Officer is the consciousness of the community/stakeholders – wanting to do the right thing, willing to do the right thing and asking questions in search of the truth.

The Perp – Our District Administration/BOE – staying within the letter of the law but carelessly and callously disregarding the well-being of the ENTIRE community as they make and take decisions with a myopic view and understanding of the impact it will have on the WHOLE.

The Witnesses are those members of this community who continue to sit on the sidelines, get feed information third and fourth hand and despite their lack of involvement will not and cannot escape the emotional and economic cost of the current state of our school district.

And finally – the birthday cake represents all the issues and problems our school community currently faces. All dressed up it is easily admired, but expose the inner workings and you’ve got a mess on your hands!

The emotional ebb and flow you experienced in reading this story is exactly what I and many others experience day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month and year-to-year while navigating, engaging and trying to improve this school district.

Expecting answers or any semblance of rationale at any point along this journey is just not practical because at every turn there will be introduced new facts, new figures, new people and yes NEW rules for which it is virtually impossible to “conclude” anything.

The best we can hope for is an “UNDERSTANDING”, not even agreement. And with that -- it is up to the individual to decide the next move and it will take WISDOM and COURAGE.

So as we continue this discourse of educational reengineering in the city of Plainfield – know that we don’t have to settle because we are afraid of what might happen, or we are ashamed at what has happen, nor do we need to be pacified by a few good deeds. The expectation should be for intellectual, moral and ethical GREATEST from the top down – across – sideways and walking up to the graduation podium!


Anonymous said...

That was brilliant my friend!


Maria Pellum, Plainfield Resident said...

Brilliant piece Renata, oopss, Mrs. Hernandez. Thanks for capturing so well what is going on, what has gone, what we feel as we advocate, and what needs to be expected and demanded by each and all stakeholders.



Just trying to keep it real, relevant and righteous Ladies! Glad you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for ending that story.


11:22 --you sound exasperated. You do know reading this blog is voluntary and at any time you can simply just NOT read it. You have got to take control of your circumstance!

Anonymous said...

From 11:22 am: Yes, you are right, it's voluntary, of course. I know 2 other English teachers who read it and direct me to look at some of the posts you write. We have a laugh. We suggest you purchase a grammar book and work on your writing skills.


Some of you are probably wondering why I posted the comment from 2:30...well I want you all to see what some of our teachers are doing. They are Very busy laughing at "me" instead of helping our children READ and WRITE proficiently. Last check our district was averaging ~33% proficiency rate in Language Arts district wide. Last time I check that was an "F". Now -- in there LAY the problem. Stop laughing and get to work!

Anonymous said...

Haha mom go ahead lol. People dont understand whats really important these days its a shame a teacher is worried about a grown woman and not teaching us the children. Ugh what has happend to plainfield.
To 11:22 worry about teaching children not my mother....(no disrespect)


Wow-my lovey snuck on here and posted her own comment; and with parenthetical commentary to boot! I love that girl! Following in her Mom's footsteps... Thanks Lovey -- but don't you worry about them...I've told you many times that just because someone is grown that does not make them mature and that is the case with this person. I'm glad you offered them a respectful reply but I want you to know...even grown folk have to earn respect.


Keep watching -- people WILL show you who they are!


I'm not going to publish that one. You'll have to man up and face me but I doubt you are capable of such courage. In the mean time --know this -- you are not worthy to shine her shoes.

I hope you are no longer teaching because it would be really sad to know you find it necessary to pick on an 11 year old instead of providing constructive direction. At least she had the good sense to offer you an alternative to your negative behavior.

How about giving up some of your salary so the kid can get a grammar book from school. You know the ones you forgot to order, ordered incorrectly, or that are on hold until your unearned salary free up some funds. And Finally -- Let me be clear -- keep it clean with regard to my child or you will be found out and prosecuted. I promise. By the way do yours go to school where YOU live, where you work or WHERE your BOSS lives? You do know that one of these options is illegal...Shall we play Sesame Street and find out which one it is?

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes! What the heck did I miss?


RASRAHMATAZ said... are a mess Laura. You missed nothing much. Did you know that each comment has a unique identifier that can be traced to the exact IP address of the person sending the message.

It is good to have people in IT and the FBI. It keeps us all playing honest.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! You have to call me after the holiday to discuss who you were going off on.. It is really ashame and sad that any "adult" would feel the need to comment to what Miss Lovey had to say. It really says a lot about an individual. Based on your comment, one could only imagine how this individual speaks to students.

Have a safe and Happy Holiday with your family...

Lindsay :o)


Hey Lindsay -- what they said doesn't even deserve repeating but suffice it to say...I'm keeping it should they lose all sense of decency.

I won't be playing their songs anymore's record keeping time!

You have a happy and a safe Holiday with your family as well and we will be in touch!

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