Monday, January 11, 2010

PEA ... PASA Help Me with This ONE!

How much could a Resource Teacher expect to receive if they moved from their current position to a Coordinator?

Now remember there are no special certifications required other than what you already have... So please help me understand...

I really want to know how this works.

I'm up for review and I need to have this information ready for my increase discussion.  The heck with the standard 3.3 -4% merit increases and 10% promotional increases -- I'm looking for a ONE Zero Niner!

Dear OPRA-- I'm looking for information on recession size raises in an ABBOTT School District that laid off more than a dozen teachers and administrators and lost about $8 million in federal funding and may very well have to cut about 5% of the workforce this year.  
I'd like to see if a 109% increase is the norm or did I put the decimal place in the wrong spot.  After all Math is not our leader's strong point...who needs to know the square root of a hypotenuse ....
I would appreciate any information you can provide on this.

The Truth Seeker


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to include the tuition reimbursement!!

Anonymous said...

If you are a resource teacher and you are moved to a Coordinator's position within the PPS school system, your salary would depend on which union you are placed under. Currently, some PEA members are now "Coordinators" of content areas; however, to my knowledge, they continue to receive their current PEA guide salary (with a stipend in the summer). Other past PEA members (who changed to "Coordinator") were placed on the PASA guide, which included an increase in their salary. I guess it depends on the responsibilty of the position. Hope that helps


Thanks you! So let me ask this; is it rational to expect your salary to Double and some? Is that unheard of? Can you tell me of any other case where an individual has done that in this district. I'm just trying to establish standards.

Anonymous said...

There were no other increases to that level. The pay scale is quite concrete. For example, Carter went with what was listed on the scale verbatim.Gallon created his own scale for the coordinators in question.

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