Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hey Maria...

(My PC won't let me post this in the comments section (intense POP-up Blocker/Spyware Program) and I don't feel like going downstairs to use the other one.) So -- to Maria's comments and question -- here goes:

They all did say choking but none indicated that it was as we would traditionally think I think it was clear it was not the kind that prevents someone from breathing ergo necessitating aid from anyone in the room. I heard 3 testimonies refer to a massaging episode as PART of the act and 1 as the act in and of itself. (Goes to show you -- 2 people --- 2 different messages received)

I however would NOT have gotten up to assist either.

As the act was described you would have had to have 'touched' your supervisor. Then you would have been sitting on the bench awaiting your trial for inappropriate touching.

Remember this wasn't about imminent DANGER, but rather inappropriate behavior. There is NEVER a reason for employee to employee touching without permission other than to defend/deflect a blow.

I cannot tell you how many meetings I've endured where something less than professional occurs and the meeting continues. Whether it was an inappropriate remark, gesture or what have you. In my opinion the situation did not require me to interfere, but it certainly warranted my written and/or verbal statement of the facts witnessed and as such support for my colleague.

I'm not convinced the meeting was ever jovial as only 1 out of the 4 referred to it in that manner.

Let's bottom line was not the fault of Mr. Williamson or the people in the room -- the contact, situation and uncomfortable atmosphere created was the result of Ms. Kemp's inappropriate actions (period).  Nothing warranted it and nothing should excuse it.  To blame or even insinuate (as her attorney tried) that someone in that room was obligated to act in any manner other than how they did is Preposterous!
The event as describe by the witnesses during the trial indicated clearly that there was NO LATITUDE for anyone to act in any other manner than how they did -- least they be the ones on trial today!

Ode To Blogger's Blight

This week I have read were several Blogger’s shared, what I think is a universal prerogative, with regard to the content we choose (being the operative precept here) to write about as well as which comments we will post (Bernice -- as recent as yesterday).

Well as you can imagine I’ve been getting quite a few nasty grams that I am choosing not to post because they won’t identify who they are, and that is the ONLY reason! They are about me so I have no reservation in terms of offending other folks. And... no... putting Renee, Steve, Frank is NOT good enough -- I want to see who holds me in such contempt.

That’s fair right? If their gripes are legitimate then why can’t they “face” them?

I say to all those who have had enough of my postings…just don’t click on my blog’s link. It really is that simply.

For those who enjoy my postings – keep coming!

With Love,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This Deserves It's Own POST!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Case Study In CLUELESSNESS!":

Renata - this was posted on NJFORUMS..I believe this will answer some of Maria's questions. BTW, Maria you never answered the question. If you were present for the meeting and saw Angela Kemp choking Dr. Williamson, WHAT EXACTLY WOULD YOU DO? In the meantime this post was VERY appropriate!

3451. Maria's Questions Renata

by ppseducator, 2/25/10 19:44 ET

To answer some questions that Maria asked Renata on her blog, the Superintendent removed a principal to the BOE office because he was accused of putting his hands on a student in an effort to break up a fight this year; last year, a very well-respected teacher at PHS would not allow a student to enter his room for rightful reasons and the student began to attack the teacher who pushed him back and, he was suspended; then another teacher was suspended this year because a parent accused the teacher of improprieties that were untrue. Oh, let's not forget AK choking PW and being found guilty this week ... and she is still at the BOE office. What kind of morale is that to work with? SGIII seems to remove people without a fair hearing, yet the children remain in school.

Then, the people who are principals at the BOE office are and were certified as principals in previous positions at schools in our district. The superintendent did not want them to continue in those schools so he brought them to the BOE office to do other jobs for AK. They have worked at what they were given to do but nothing seems to get approved. Oh, but did you see the CURRICULUM BOOK that was distributed at the January BOE meeting? It isn't even accurate.

This BOE was cutting back on administrative positions two years ago and now we are flooded with administrators who are getting paid 6 figure salaries (some of who are not certified in their positions) and could have been in schools - he is bringing in someone from a charter school to be the principal of a Plainfield school - why? Why not use one of our former principals working in the BOE office?

Some of the people who have inside information are writing on this blog - they see it every day!

We don't have enough textbooks (seriously), computers that work, LCD players, laptop carts break and do not get repaired, IT materials are stolen by who I do not know but someone lacks honesty amongst all of us, teachers don't have contracts yet PASA and those who do not belong to PEA or PASA do have contract settlements. We are treated like we are chattel! And we are still teaching, holding the schools together.

Get with the program ... most of the BOE doesn't visit the schools to see our needs and when they do, it's only for show. And why do we ANONYMOUSLY WRITE? Because we are not supposed to make noise. Do you think anyone wants to lose their job in this economy?

Plainfield will have its eyes woken up when their taxes go wild because so much money was mispent in the past 15 years.

And who suffers? The children.


Can someone send me some cases where the Superintendent has gone ABOVE and BEYOND his assigned duty to protect and employ 3 District employees? 

What is this really about? 

Who will investigate his motives? 

This is obviously NOT professionally based given that neither of these individuals perform their assigned duties solely on the merit of their own skills and ability.  In fact none of them COULD perform their job's R&R's without district personnel that have been here PRIOR to them coming and have been doing the jobs EVER SINCE they've arrived.

Do we not see the impropriety in how Ms. Kemp has been dealt with throughout this entire ordeal?

Let's look at the difference in treatment of Kemp compared to other employees who have been placed on administrative leave for similar misconduct: Is it a matter of Favoritism? Nepotism? Cronyism?

How many Principals this year alone have been brought over to the Admin building while accusations of professional improprieties are under investigation?

What is Angela Kemp's VALUE-ADD to the district? She has three highly qualified and certified VPs and Principals doing her job. So CERTAINLY it is not a matter of WE NEED HER. We not only DON’T need HER we don’t want her, her attitude or lack of professionalism, nor her inability to “KEEP HER HANDS” to herself or her out and out rude disregard for the Plainfield Community.

What kind of environment is the Superintendent providing by allowing Ms. Kemp to remain in proximity to an EMPLOYEE who has proven by a court of law that he has been harassed by a high-ranking employee who acts in the capacity of his supervisor? Would this not be the definition of a HOSTILE work environment?

Uggh! Another potential LAW SUIT!

Plainfield Parents – WE should be outraged!

Please tell me how STEVE’S leadership even slightly resembles what our CHILDREN deserve.

Our children don’t even respect him as the leader of schools, nor do the teachers AND many, many COMMUNITY MEMBERS.

This ENTIRE Community needs to COME TO EVERY BOARD meeting every TUESDAY until STEVE Gallon, ANGELA Kemp, LESLY Borge and LALELEI Kelly are REMOVED from this DISTRICT! None of them should ever hold a position in the educational field again – UNLESS – of course they find some other lazy board members in urbanville USA that do not research WHO they hire.

It is everyone's responsibility who has been subjected to this under qualified, unprofessional regime to ensure EVERY DISTRICT in the UNITED STATES understands CLEARLY who these people are so that no one ever makes as uninformed and detrimental decision to hire these morally corrupt individuals like we did here in Plainfield.

What MORE do we need to see?

We’ve got LAWYERS put them to WORK and GET RID of the more than ½ Million Dollars worth of WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Real Challenge -- Challenged

Who exactly do you think pays the 86% of the State and Federal $$$?

You've guessed it! It is some of the same folks who are hit for the 14% local taxes and RISING. Sure wish our test scores and overall rating would do the same!!

So, Sir -- I contribute towards 100% of what pays you, your comrades and the entire district in employ.

Ergo -- why I have requested for you to submit your resignation post haste as I no longer feel you are the "TYPE" of employee this district needs to move our schools and our children forward. I no longer wish to fund your exploits.


How Apropos...

Saw this on a friend's FaceBook status and thought -- absolutely fitting for Plainfield --- TODAY!

“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity” - Andre Gide

Thanks AM!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Truth is Stranger...The Verdict is In!

Today my daughter and I underwent a lesson in civics, humanity, cooperation and jurisprudence. In one day, for 5 hours, I ran through several emotions including; pride, shame, sadness and satisfaction.

Judge Robinson Gross was a pure pleasure to watch. Her powerful adages and admonishments, her command of the law and her courtroom, her obvious passion and compassion for carrying out justice was a very fulfilling moment for me. As an African American woman and as the mother of an African American woman-to-be, the magnitude of pride watching the eloquence and grace of this master judge was an honor and a privilege.

The verdict was Guilty for the charge of Harassment and Inappropriate Touching; not an offense requiring incarceration (and I MUST AGREE) but not without penalty. The judge’s penalty has been stayed awaiting either an appeal or other paperwork to be submitted by the defense attorney to the state prosecutors and some other folks– all of which is OVER my head so do not ask me to explain this portion of the legal proceedings.

In so much that it is a crime, I would suspect the CSA with the prompting of the Board will be asking for her resignation effective immediately given this violates a few of the NJ Certification statutes and notwithstanding conduct unbecoming a school official.

I’m ashamed that this ever happened and it saddens me that so much negativity and ill-will was brought to this district under the guise of highly qualified, well intentioned Administrators who came to move our district forward. Honestly Plainfield – please keep your eyes wide open and begin to ask for enumeration of all of these children-centric outcomes the CSA is claiming.

I am satisfied, however that we will RISE ABOVE and BEYOND this.

Stay tuned for my daughter’s version of how she viewed the proceedings.

Real life is a wonderful teacher!

Do I have an Agenda? Hmmmm...You Betcha!

Lately I've been reading so many comments about people declaring they don’t have a personal agenda as though it were a “dirty” word/thing. The implication seems to be that if you do have an agenda your issues lack merit. As if the judge of authenticity is based on whether you have something to win/gain.  WTHeck!

We ALL have an AGENDA!

I have a child in the district. SHE absolutely without a doubt IS MY AGENDA! I'll do EVERYTHING I can to make sure she receives an outstanding education. Given we don't live in a bubble, EVERYTHING I do for her will be to the benefit of ALL this city's children!

I also have a major vested interest in this city -- my home not just my house but MY HOME!

AND further I was born, raised and schooled here so I not only have an agenda, I have a PURPOSE!

When did being an active participant in the process become a dirty word? What we need to question are folk’s intentions! Everyone's true intentions will be exposed at the end of the day; (for the good of the many)(making noise) (acting up/showing out) (grandstanding) (kicking up dust) (blowing in the wind) (getting elected) etc…

I have a bigger issue if YOU DON’T have an agenda because that means you are just jumping on the band wagon only to be flung to the ground as soon as it makes a wide "right" turn. The only impact you’ll make is on your butt! Now that’s a waste of time, talent and energy!

An AGENDA keeps you grounded!

Plan ahead people…Show’em what ya working with!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Come On Over...

Just a quick reminder that our next in line CSA will have her day in court tomorrow: 9AM  Plainfield Police Department, Watchung Avenue.

I think I'm going to take my daughter and two of  my mentees to go see this.

Stop in if you are available. 

This administration needs to understand that WE the Plainfield Community at Large are HERE to STAY!!!

Jersey Plates and ALL!

The Doctrine of Necessity -- A Quick Note...

Although the Courier and Maria touched on this some time last week, one of my readers asked me to provide an explanation as to what it is and what it does.

I, like many, upon the first read thought the resolution was to prevent the CSA from having a formal and legally required evaluation. Much to my delight it was later explained that this document actually enables the 6 Board members with a conflict to be a part of the yearly assessment. Thereby allowing the Board to meet its contractual obligation.

So – it’s a good thing!

But! (Don’t you just hate that!!!) The question I have is -- haven’t these conflicts existed for quite some years? And if so, was this doctrine evoked during Howard’s tenure and for Gallon last year?

Just to level set – this doctrine is quite often tabled for the same purpose and reason as shared by our Board.

Finally – something that meets the standard!

In Response to the Lessons From Tiger Posted by PPS

Although I completely agree about the need to ALWAYS honor our children -- I cannot help but point to the other poignant parallel in Tiger’s address that has been ignored by Dr. Gallon.

Humility, Regret and A Sincere Apology -- to name a few.

Tiger said several times "I am sorry" and further expressed that sorrow by specifically pointing to where and to whom he had erred.

If the correlation between Gallon and Tiger is to hold any weight or relevance at all -- then I suggest that we start preparing the high school gymnasium for Gallon’s public apology. I will be there front and center to hear it AND I would accept his apology.

Be clear -- an apology doesn’t erase what has been done, but it does allow the healing to begin along with other necessary steps. And those other necessary steps include the resignation of Dr. Gallon, Borge, and Kelly. I do not feel they are what Plainfield needs.

A drunk driver can be forgiven for killing someone’s loved one, but they still must go to jail. The apology, however, would garner support from the victim’s family and may produce a letter that asks for a LESSER sentence.

An apology from the kid who threw the baseball through the glass pane window would allow for the conversation about retribution to begin – but payment would still be expected.

So an apology is simply a jump off point (you know this crazy merry-go-round) – it is the beginning of other necessary and critical steps to prove one’s contriteness. If you recall Tiger said – and I paraphrase – My wife said the true sincerity of my apology will be evident by how I conduct myself going forward...

To that I say AMEN!

Mark Your Calendars Voters -- Would Be Voters!

Important Dates to Remember!

• Last Day to Register to Vote (by Machine or by Mail): Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

• Last Days to register to vote by mail: April 13th (if form is sent in by mail) or April 19th (if walked in, in person)

• Last Day to Submit Mail-in Ballot: April 20th, by mail or in person

  • On-Line Voter Registration Form: ENGLISH

  • Solicitud de Inscripcion de Votantes : ESPANOL

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The DRAMA Details @ PHS

Two gangs were fighting -- the MOB (Money OVER "The B-word -plural) and BDM (Bandanna Mafia). Apparently there's a constant riff between these two "gangs".

The students were advised by security, who went door to door, that they were in a  "locked down" and then about 5 minutes later Dr. Bilal got on the loudspeaker and advised the students that they were extending 6th period through 7th (80 minutes) and for no one to leave the classroom or go to bathroom. They were then released to go to their 7th period class which meant they missed 8th and 9th period.  Those that had 7th period lunch (during the lock-down) were allowed to go get their lunch and then another fight broke out in the hallway outside the cafeteria.

This explains the confusion with timelines as there was a series of fights that began around 12:30 -- and then migrated outside (per the pictures I posted) and was stopped around 1:10.

The cops came and arrested several of the students; order was restored -- at least temporarily. 

The 2nd series of fights started around 2ish was contained within the cafeteria and was managed by the security staff.

Dr. Gallon and Mr. Moye showed up during Part II.  And I am told that several students serenaded Dr. Gallon with the Shame on You theme song as he walked down the hallway.

So there you have it, right from the STUDENTS.  You SEE OUR KIDS KNOW what is going on!

It pays to be involved with our students so that they trust you enough to share their truth!  Thanks MENTEEs and Keep your head up!  And don't sing...even though I know it is very tempting!

Trust me -- I KNOW!!!

Faith, Courage and Wisdom!

See You All on the Campaign Trail...

Friday, February 19, 2010

While the Cats Away...

PHS Melee that occurred today during the Dr's Air time...

* Where's the Leadership?
* Is this the picture of a "SAFE" School Environment
the Community has In mind?
* What is the Protocol for Restoring Order?
*Who's incharge Here?

Part Two...

Can someone tell me what are the uniform colors for PHS?  Beige Pants, Blue Jeans, White T's, Red Hoodies, Black Hoodies...???

Received Some Answers: I Got some answers from someone who is VERY close to the situation and from all reports Dr. Bilal and the Security staff handled the situation with minimal interruption to the students who were in class.

The police did have to be called to restore order, which I now under is part of the protocol, and some students were carted away. Perhaps its just a matter of Spring Fever... It's tough being couped in ALL day 5 days a week!

I'm not above giving credit where credit is due...I applaud the manner inwhich it was handled on the inside -- even if from the outside it looked a little scattered.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Music For the SOUL!!!

I'm sitting here listening to my Lovey (Milani Anaise Hernandez) strum her acoustic guitar.  She has improved 10-fold since attending PAAAS.

Her love and dedication to the instrument and the art of musicality has been revived and I thank YOU PAAAS for providing a nurturing venue for her to hone her craft.

Plainfield get ready -- a Joplin, Hendrix, Clapton, India Arie, or Santana  is in the making!

PAAAS parents send me some pictures and stories highlighting what your kid(s) has/have accomplished this year.

Ciao for Now!

What Are YOU Going to DO???!!!

We are at the precipice of change. You can be kinetic and direct change, or you can be resistant –undecided—but impacted nonetheless.

Which will you be?

It’s time Plainfield!

It is TIME!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

True Leadership...NOT!


Internet access to the requested website has been denied based on your user profile and District Internet Acceptable Usage Policy.
Your IP address has been logged and subsequent or repeated infractions will be recorded.
Ooh Stevie -- you do make us Wonder!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And this is the WORD!!!



Many, Many THANKS!

Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone for an outstanding evening.

It was such a delight to be in a room filled with people who are directed and sincere about moving this city's educational system forward.

I look forward to future opportunities to continue the conversation, chart the course and work the plan.

And --the FOOD was on the $$$ too!

I have a busy week so postings will be LITE.

Until then - Be Well,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Beginning The Journey...Long Overdue!

Tonight I expect there to be some really exciting exchanges of information and an overall ONENESS created among community,teachers and district personnel.

Here’s to conversations with a purpose!

See you tonight!

Doing What is RIGHT...simply because it is RIGHT!

Last Night on NJFORUM Laura Shoemaker and I had a discussion that quickly turned sour as often is the case when I try to have a conversation based on emotion rather than facts.

During the conversation I called her an “a--wipe” and it’s unfortunate that I allowed myself to even respond in that manner, but I did.

I asked that “my” post be removed in so much that it was my post, and having thought better of what I said I chose to pull it.

My apology is for using language unbecoming a Christian.

I wish I could tell you all that I won’t make mistakes along this journey; I assure you I absolutely will, but I will own my irresponsible behavior and take the necessary steps to correct same.

Thank You,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Knowledge Sharing ='s EMPOWERMENT!

Click Photo to Enlarge & Print

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Blogger Friends

Yes I read Maria'

I responded but lately she hasn't liked what I've had to say and has opted not to post it. Frankly it hasn't meant enough to me to then post it else where.

BUT in this instance because she SPECIFICALLY calls my action into question, I thought I'd let you know I've responded and it's up to her to post it.

WELL - at least until I Blog later on...

I'll chat with later.

Ciao for Now!

Chat w/You This Evening

I'll be posting later in the evening.

I have my girls mentoring group today ...check us out:

Gotta make it happen!

Be well Folks!

Ciao for Now...

Friday, February 12, 2010

What's UP!!!

How are you all doing out there!

Had a MAD BUSY day...

Going to BED...but before I do...a few words to...

all the hateful commenters ...BLOG OFF!


Good Night!

Keep the emails and calls coming!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Call To Action

For those of you who rather make calls... Here are the numbers to the BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS that are FAILING TO MOVE ON THIS ISSUE and THUS FAILING OUR CHILDREN!

Call them and tell them to terminate the district's contract with GALLON, BORGE and KELLY for cause!

Lenny: 756-4289
Pat: 294-1223
Martin: 552-6090
Sandy: 732-558-8801
Christian: 973-418-7012
Brenda: 531-8149
Katherine: 337-3434

If you prefer email then copy, paste and follow these instructions:

Address Your Email To:;

Subject: A Call To ACTION!!

To All My Friends and Family - - The Plainfield Public School Needs Your Support!

Here’s what you need to do…

1st – Select REPLY ALL to this message (Delete YOUR EMAIL FROM THIS SECTION so you won’t get copied on all the replies )

2nd – Copy this email in its ENTIRETY (including this intro section) and paste it in the body of the email

3rd – in the BCC Section ONLY type the emails of all your friends and family and ask them to do the same exact thing.

We need to flood the Board of Education until they move on behalf of the community!









For relevant documentation see:

...And Now WHAT???!!!

We’ve all had an opportunity to “see” it but what has changed. What difference does this rendering of the truth make in terms of OUR REAL DAY-to-DAY Educational lives here in Plainfield?









For me all of this was already FACTs on the table.

I’m still as disgusted, as disappointed as determined as ever to move this board to do the right thing. But the question in all of this is how do WE do this? And -- who among us is willing to become the “WE” we’ll need to mobilize around the appalling state of our ADMINISTRATIVE office.

Plainfield until WE decide this behavior is unacceptable there will be no CHANGE. The current Board has already stated their position about this issue and they are standing behind the CSA and his antics and current decisions made with regard to the employment of these two ladies(less 2).

Weeks ago – I posted an email address, a Facebook address, and a U.S. mail address along with contact names and phone numbers to our Governor and State offices. How many of you sent out the suggested letter I posted, or any letter sharing your concern about what is going on?

HOW Many?

Was it as many as participates in our yearly Board of Education Election?

The letter to OFAC a few months ago only had ~15 signatures and THAT MOVED the State to investigate.

What do you think would happen if we contacted the NJ School Board, The Governor’s Office, County and State Superintendents in the number of community members that match the number of children (close to 7000) in this district?

I’m asking ALL OF YOU to call the OFAC Office and find out where we are with the results of this investigation. The Children and This City can wait no longer!

Tom Martin | 609-633-9613
Robert Cicchino | 609-292-6603

I’m envisioning the phones ringing off the HOOK!

Ladies and Gentlemen – It is TIME TO WALK the TALK.

Are YOU Down???!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And Here's Yours Truly!!!


Where the rubber meets the road...

Tonight: Channel 5: 10 PM

If you miss the airing tonight  --- CLICK HERE

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Humor Me...

When I was a little girl I often puzzled over my name, its origin and quite frankly "why me".  I mean my Mom's name was Cheryl, my Dad is Art, and my sisters are Michele and April.  So just where in the world did Renata come from (and that's a fitting question for both the name and the person)!  I would later learn that my God Mother (Aunt Marian) named me after a very good friend who was German.

I spent the next 28 years believing my name was German.  Then while attending a professional development class and participating in an icebreaker I would learn there was more to the story.When it came my turn to tell the history of my name I blurted out it was German, and I was immediately corrected by this charming woman with a very heavy accent,  that in fact,  my name is Polish.  Realizing the close proximity of Germany and Poland I decided it was just too close to argue -- so I conceded that perhaps it was also Polish.

Fast forward 15 more years and as I go on living my life thinking my name had both German and Polish origins I find out --ut-oh -- my name is actually Italian. WHAT in the WORLD -- YOU say!  I argued it was German and Polish as that is what I had been told and later read about myself. I was sent to a website to verify the Italian root but I didn't bother going to check because I KNEW the origin of my name.  I mean I had it for 43 years. 

Doesn't everyone at some point in time look up their name's origin and meaning. As I remember it was an assignment when I was in the 7th grade, and I also remember having a very difficult time finding my name in our school's set of reference books so I ended up having to go to the public library.  Computers had not yet hit the scene!

Well here's the facts:

Renata - Origin and Meaning of the name
Latin (Born Again; Rebirth)

[ 3 syll. re-na-ta ] The girl name Renata is pronounced as RahNAATah †. Renata is used predominantly in the Czech, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish languages.

Just as I've always suspected -- I am a league of nations!

Humor Me... check out your own name origin and let me know what you get!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Good Candidate - Part I

In doing some research regarding what experts, community folks and even professional politicians think makes an individual a good candidates, I came across a very attention-grabbing article from the Culture Kitchen blog site.

The writer shared what he looks for in a well suited candidate, and according to him they; “are smart, articulate and good on issues, but…what really makes a candidate kick ass – dedication to the community.” (Culture Kitchen, August, 2006)

Additionally, this blogger who goes by the name Mole333, contends that there are probably a large number of Americans who want to see up-front community activism BEFORE they give a candidate their vote. More to the point, candidates who prove their dedication to the community deserve community support, and in fact this grassroots type of candidate requires the community’s support to win the election.

So remember look for candidates who are intelligent and have a proven dedicated tracked record in the community. “They don’t blend in with the crowd but are bold in their statements and ideas; community dedication, bold ideas and clear positions,” according to the writer, that is what makes for a good solid candidate. (Culture Kitchen, August, 2006)

Check out the entire article at:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Time for Some REAL TALK!

As we move closer and closer to the BOE Election it’s time we talk shop.

A few weeks ago I did a poll on the character types we expect in our leadership, what areas would lead us to success and a few more items/issues which I will be publishing over the next two weeks – for now, however, let’s focus on our BOE members. This time I’m leaving it an open “free text” comment question because I really want to hear from each of you.

So, what kind of person do you feel will make for the best Board of Education Member. i.e. a Dr., Lawyer, teacher etc.. – be specific and tell us why you feel this type of individual will serve the community best.

What expectations do you have for your Board Members?

On April 20th your ability to choose wisely will depend largely on how clear your expectations are for Board members. It is equally as important that you understand the limits of the Board of Education and where YOU the community will need to step in and confront the educational ills of our community.

What does the PERFECT Board of Education for Plainfield look like?

What does the PERFECT BOE and Community CoOp look like?

At the end of the day – it really is up to each of YOU!

I’m looking forward to reading your comments.

Ciao for now!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Para Mis Amigos...

I'm SORRY! Now- Just how hard is that...???

“Apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.”

Margaret Lee Runbeck
Now…to the 2nd part of my question from the other day -- which is more humane…to forgive and forget, to ask for forgiveness or simply to forget? Well first there would have to be an admission of wrongdoing, repentance (a change of thought and action to correct a wrong and gain forgiveness from a person who is wronged) a need to be forgiven, and finally humbleness.

Why is it so difficult to apologize?

In reading and article entitled, The Fine Art of a Sincere Apology, posted on The Personal Transformation for Thinking People, the writer Dayne, gives a very thorough seven page write-up along with comments from readers on the topic of apologizing.

He posits that apologies fall into three major categories: strategic, defensive and forced, neither of which does he consider “heartfelt” which is the nexus of a sincere apology. According to the author, there are three components required for a sincere apology: acknowledgment of the offense, regret over the offense and responsibility for the offense. Hey doesn’t this all sound familiar to my opening paragraph. See I am smarter than the average bear!

Additionally, Dayne provides some very compelling benefits of a sincere apology for both the offender and the offended. There are also some really great comments by readers that I think provide not only good insight and practical application, but also present us with the humanness of the experience. I urge you to click the  weblink above so that you can benefit from a complete read of the article as well as browse this very interesting and potentially life altering information portal. Get yourself HAPPY – it’s the one thing you will ever really have full control over!

Whether or not to accept an apology is an individual’s choice based on a multitude of things notwithstanding the sincerity of the person apologizing. It is my personal belief that the heart was made to forgive and the mind to forget eventually. But what you forget is not the result of the behavior but the anger brought about by the behavior that can and will consume you if you stay planted in it.

I don’t have a need to be angry with Gallon or the BOE, but what I do have is a need for them to GET RIGHT with the COMMUNITY; and I won’t stop until they START or GO!

I much rather get exhausted trying to make a positive difference in this community; that is so much more rewarding! How about you?

Ciao For Now!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Way I see It Is...

In reading our CSA’s letter to the community for this month, the response to it and the talk regarding the viability of an apology on the, I got to thinking what is more humane – to forgive and forget, to ask for forgiveness or simply to forget?

First we need to define the word humane, but the funny thing is there is no definition of the word as a standalone concept; emphasis on ‘standalone’. However, here is a very apropos example:

Humane education not only instills the desire and capacity to live with compassion, integrity, and wisdom, but also provides the knowledge and tools to put our values into action in meaningful, far-reaching ways.

Humane education enables us to find solutions that work for all by approaching human rights, environmental preservation, and animal protection as interconnected and integral dimensions of a healthy, just society.

Humane education includes 4 elements:

  1. Providing accurate information about the issues of our time so that people have the information they need to understand the consequences of their decisions as citizens.
  2. Fostering curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking, so that people can evaluate information and solve problems.
  3. Instilling reverence, respect, and responsibility, so that people have the motivation to face challenges and to act with integrity
  4. Offering positive choices that benefit oneself, other people, the animals, and the Earth, so that people are empowered to create a more humane world.
So as we look at this explanation of humane, exactly how does this correlate to anything our CSA or Board of Education is currently involved in when it comes to running our schools, establishing policies and parental partnerships?

Now interestingly enough INHUMANE is found in an online dictionary search. Accordingly, it is defined as “lacking pity or compassion”; delving a little deeper we come away with the following definition: “lacking pity or deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.”

Looking at these two words, HUMANE vs. INHUMANE and the accompanying explanation/definition; which best describes our CSA and the Board of Education Members? Hmmmmmm.

I’ll tackle the second part of this post “An Apology” tomorrow.

Have a GREAT Day and most of all KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!

Ciao for Now!

You Are Invited...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hey Plainfield Board of Education Members...

Hey Folks;

I just wanted to offer my SINCEREST APOLOGY as I misspoke this evening.  The Agenda you published was complete WITH ALL POLICIES discussed.

Again -- I do apologize, sincerely.


Hey! PPS Employees - -Don't you all SLEEP the Policies up for DISCUSSION Tonight!

These are all policies dealing with recruitment, selection, hiring and nepotism.


WE ALL NEED to understand HOW this Board thinks and HOW they develop/sponsor/co-sign on policy that is counterproductive to a District in a thriving, productive and harmonious environment.

Pay attention to "how" they define certain elements of the policy and how the dictionary and other school districts interpret same.  The benefit (weight) should always be in the direction of what is best for the children.  Or not??!!

Check them out and come out...We cannot afford to rest YET!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Community Fireside Chat -- The Details...

More On Work Sampling...Right from the Horse's Mouth!

I sooooooooooooo wanted to title this something else...just use your imagination!!! Anywho check this out!

I wonder WHO they define as PPS because it sure isn't the teachers, parents and community members I've been speaking with.

I'd like to ask for a show of hands please.

So the  real question is WHAT OTHER DISTRICT has implemented this and is currently utilizing it.  Take some concerned parents on a FIELD TRIP if you are REALLY SOLD on the VALUE ADD of this tool! 

How much will a bus cost?  I'm sure the BOE will approve this --- it aligns PERFECTLY with Goal #5: Community Engagement.

Post your invitation to these concern parents with me and I'll get it to them - - I PROMISE!

In the meantime folks take a look at THIS!  And while you are at it, take a look at THIS TOO...apparently these are the questions you all have been asking and so any concerns you have, have already been addressed.  Somebody is NOT being honest here... Hmmmmmmmm.

What Will MOVE The Heart of Plainfield!

Thank you to my SPECIAL friend who forwarded me this video.  Please take time to look, listen and learn. You will never think the same again.

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