Sunday, February 21, 2010

The DRAMA Details @ PHS

Two gangs were fighting -- the MOB (Money OVER "The B-word -plural) and BDM (Bandanna Mafia). Apparently there's a constant riff between these two "gangs".

The students were advised by security, who went door to door, that they were in a  "locked down" and then about 5 minutes later Dr. Bilal got on the loudspeaker and advised the students that they were extending 6th period through 7th (80 minutes) and for no one to leave the classroom or go to bathroom. They were then released to go to their 7th period class which meant they missed 8th and 9th period.  Those that had 7th period lunch (during the lock-down) were allowed to go get their lunch and then another fight broke out in the hallway outside the cafeteria.

This explains the confusion with timelines as there was a series of fights that began around 12:30 -- and then migrated outside (per the pictures I posted) and was stopped around 1:10.

The cops came and arrested several of the students; order was restored -- at least temporarily. 

The 2nd series of fights started around 2ish was contained within the cafeteria and was managed by the security staff.

Dr. Gallon and Mr. Moye showed up during Part II.  And I am told that several students serenaded Dr. Gallon with the Shame on You theme song as he walked down the hallway.

So there you have it, right from the STUDENTS.  You SEE OUR KIDS KNOW what is going on!

It pays to be involved with our students so that they trust you enough to share their truth!  Thanks MENTEEs and Keep your head up!  And don't sing...even though I know it is very tempting!

Trust me -- I KNOW!!!

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