Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Be the JUDGE!

A Series in Ethics and Critical Thinking...Part I
The President of a PTO discovers that an officer of the Board has misappropriated funds. That is to say, that $3,000 from fundraising efforts were missing -- unaccounted for in the banking records.

The questions are:

1. Is this a prosecutable crime? And If so -- would it be a local, state or federal crime?

2. How would you handle this if you were the PTO President?

3. How would you handle this if you were the Principal of the school where the PTO operated?

Now consider this...

As the President you decide to confront the individual and you include the Principal in on the discussion. A repayment schedule is established as is an agreement not to go public to the school's parents. For all intent and purposes the situation appears to be remedied.

The questions are:

1. Do you think it is appropriate for the President and Principal to set up a repayment plan with this individual? Why or Why not.

2. Do you think the parents of the school have a right to know? Why or Why not?

And finally consider this...

The individual fails to adhere to the repayment schedule leaving the PTO and children without the benefit of the funds they've raised.

The question is:

1. What would you do?

I would really like to get input from parents, professionals, teachers and even legal counsel. These situations are better planned for and it is my hope that our local PTOs will avoid any such incidents. However, as recently publicized on ABC's Night News -- a PTO President in New York was arrested for stealing $17,000 from the organization. Unfortunate, or should I say, as digusting as this may be it does and can happen.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!!!

Please share your thoughts/opinions/legal guidance.

From time to time I am going to post various situations that have, can, or may occur in our public schools. The idea is to get us thinking about how we would handle it should the need ever arise. The purpose is not to pinpoint any specific case, although it may have in fact occurred. I ask you to be open minded and not try to figure out if its a REAL issue but rather -- try to figure out a REAL Solution.

As always -- I look forward to the dialog.


Anonymous said...

This is a no brainer--you call the County Prosecutor when you first learn of the felony. Now you have 3 people engaged in a criminal enterprise/cover-up.


Wow -- is that so. What makes it a felony? I thought the threshold for that was $5K?

Very good points you've made. The two people who were trying to limit the collateral damage are now party to the offense. I never considered that angle.

Thanks for sharing!

tbrodie said...

Answers to your questions...
1. No. There was no payment plan when the parents gave their money for that cause. (PAWN SHOP)!!!

2. That's a hard one..already not enough parents support what the PTO's do. After hearing something like this..

What would I do? Pray and call the Prosecutor.

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