Thursday, October 29, 2009

Read MY LIPS...

Here is the exact language used to transfer authority and approvals as per our current Board of Education processes:

The individuals listed have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1, which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified.” The Superintendent, in this item has used his authority.

[Now, now continue to read]...

RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the employment of the following provisionally subject to the requirements contained in Ch. 116,P.L. 1986 and upon verification of experience.

Res Ipsa Locutor


Maria Pellum, Plainfield Resident said...

Just one question Renata,

Would you approve and adopt something not knowing what it means for the school district and the students?

In my opinion, there is where lies the responsibility of BOE members to educate themselves on what is it they are voting on, because if they are to adopt every administrative recommendation without knowledge of what is it that they are voting for, then what use is to have a BOE?


Maria -- to answer your question -- ABSOLUTELY NOT! I totally agree with you -- this is a shared foul up. I --unlike some-- am not calling for their complete ousting. See Bernice's blog for all the rational reasons why that would be an even greater mess. Instead I'm asking them to OWN this, fix it and establish a process to avoid it in the future.

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