Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finding the Middle Ground -- It is POSSIBLE!

~A response to My Fellow Blogger @ The Crescent Times~

I think there are two critical pieces that stifle the “middle ground” partnership between all stakeholders – succinctly – TRUST and MUTUAL RESPECT.

Until parents and the community can trust that school officials (Administrators and Board members) will hirer qualified people who are the Best for the job and will DO their BEST for this District…we remain stymied.

Until parents and the community respect the authority of school officials (Administrators, Teachers and the Board) to create an infrastructure, policies and put programs in place in our schools that are the BEST for this District…we remain stymied.

Until school officials (Administrators, Teachers and the Board) respect parents and the community’s time and right to be A PART OF the educational experience of their children in this District…we remain stymied.

Until parents and the community respect TEACHERS ability and methods for effectively teaching our children in this District…we remain stymied.

Until Teachers trust that what they do in the classroom is greater than any conflict they have outside the classroom in this District…we remain stymied.

Until we all come to a level of TRUST and MUTUAL RESPECT for the parts and positions we hold in the lives of our children within this District…we will continue to dig ourselves deeper and deeper into the muck and mire of under-performing, under-educated, under-utilized, unengaged, unmotivated, inattentive, inadequate, inertia we find ourselves in at this very moment.

The Solution – Simple: Open and Honest Dialog…Follow-Up, Follow-Through and Continuous Process Improvement with the goal of EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE!

(As an aside)
As we recently established a Board for PEP – I find it both necessary and prudent to add the following disclosure: The writing, comments and commentary of this Blog is from the perspective of me (Renata A. Hernandez) and although there will be opportunities for PEP Board Members to write to this blog and said writing will be adequately noted – it should be understood that any writing not duly noted to be authored by a different individual can be and should be attributed to me directly – that being the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. (RAH)

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