Friday, October 31, 2008

INCLUSION -- It's a RIGHT...Not A Favor!

When folks are regularly denied or ignored they feel that those who are doing the ignoring and issuing the denials are not honoring their right to participate fully. It is generally accepted that “inclusion” means inviting those who have been historically locked out, to come in. The problem with this premise is that it assumes that – someone has the “authority” to invite others or conversely someone has abused their authority by excluding others.

It is time WE all recognize one central truth about inclusion. We are ALL born IN! No one or nothing has the authority, right or privilege to invite others in! It is OUR civic responsibility to remove all barriers, which uphold exclusion and/or divisive constructs.

Inclusion is about recognizing our universal “oneness” and interdependence. We are “ONE” even though we are not the “SAME”.

Fighting for inclusion involves assuring that all support systems, processes, procedures and paradigms in no way hamper the involvement and full engagement of any one group or individual. Providing for and sustaining support systems of inclusion are a civic responsibility – not a favor!

Our society, our families, our community, and our schools will immediately improve when we honor this truth!


For more information about INCLUSION log onto: Inclusion Network

Reference: Research for this post was retrieved from What is Inclusion? by Shafik Asante

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fun-Filled Ideas for PTOs

Most PTOs are moving FULL STEAM ahead with fundraisers for this school year, but we have to make sure we incorporate some fun-filled activities throughout the year for the students. Here are a few worthwhile (for FREE/Low cost) fun ideas from the PTO Today website.

Snack and Learn

To get parents involved in language arts assessment testing, School PTOs can invite parents to attend a workshop at school with their children. Each parent-and-child pair can be given the same section of the test to work on; when they were done, students are provided a snack before heading back to class. Parents stay behind for a wrap-up discussion and pizza.

It’s Just a Stinkin’ Game!

Family Game night – Sock Wars: PTO members collect as many socks as they can, knot each one into a ball, and lay them out in the middle of the gym. Parents, teachers, and kids use the balled-up socks for a fun variation on dodge ball.

Teacher Appreciation - Daily Affirmations

Throughout appreciation week, teachers, staff members, and administrators are given a small gift and note in their mailboxes each day from the PTO. Little bags of coffee that can say “Thanks a latte for all you do!” The custodians’ basket of treats can include animal crackers that say “This place would be a zoo without you.”

In Pursuit of Art

PTO’s spaghetti supper and art scavenger hunt. Student artwork is hung throughout the school. Parents and children follow clues prepared by the art teacher to find each piece.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bringing PRIDE Back!!!

At a time where our schools, children and community are faced with the paradigm switch that often accompanies the installment of a new team with new rules (either written or implied), new ideals (either written or enforced) and new attitudes (either hidden or on full display) – we are the ones impacted the most because WE’VE been through the most!

Besides our children and their education – the next thing that suffers is School, Children and Community PRIDE! Yes – there are pockets of pride here and there and it is certainly not due to principals and teachers lack of creating visual pictorials of pride. I’ve gone to many of our schools and there is unquestionably an element of pride on display. But PRIDE has an air about it – it’s not just a visual art, but in fact it is a visceral need!

When I attended the Plainfield Schools there was an AIR of PRIDE that everyone partook in. At Cook Elementary – We created a slogan “It’s Cool To Be Smart”. Lead by our illustrious music teacher – Mr. Segall (currently teaching at Cedarbrook) we created a song (a Rap –our own brand of hip hop before Rap became Hip!) We were featured in the Courier News and our Superintendent stopped in to see our presentation! In the famous words of my 6th grade teacher Miss Roberts – we just couldn’t stop being so “gitty”!

At Maxson, under the leadership of Mr. Hobbie (our Principal) – we learned the art of discipline. Not meted out haphazardly, but with love and genuine respect.

In my final years of schooling at PHS – PRIDE was doled out in daily doses through teachers like Mrs. Harper, Mr. Pannone, Mrs. Corbett, Mr. Horn, Mrs. Jones, Ms. MacDonald, Mr. Cavalier, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Watts, Mr. Rob (I’ll never get over you pouring that gatoraid on me – burrrr -- I owe YA!) – and a host of other teachers and administrators. On any given day you could find them in the hallways singing ditties of “Play that funky music”, “Go-BIG Red”, and “PLAINFIELD --- Plainfield --Let’s Go All the WAY!” intermingled with Shakespearean soliloquies, Pythagorean theorems, FOIL methodology, elimination dodge ball theory and the art of debate and negotiations. There was academic pride in our honor society, and school pride in our sports teams, in our teachers and in the students!

How do we get it back? 1 Parent, 1 Community Member, 1 Faculty, 1 Student, 1 Administrator, 1 Board Member, 1 Call to Consciousness at a time!

It’s cool to be smart in many ways…
because being SMART really pays.
Once you learn it………you’ll never forget………
That there’s 26 letters in the alphabet.
It’s cool, cool, cool – to be Smarrrrrrrrrrrt!

So ----- Goooooooooooooo BIG Redddddddd!….Gooooooooooooo BIG Reddddddddddd! I said Go, Go, Big Red, Go Go Big Red– I said Go, go Big Red………….Go, go Big Red. Gooooooooooooooo Big Red!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

State of NJ: Parental Involvement Proclamation -- It's Official!


October is the OFFICIAL Parental Involvement Month!

See For Yourself - Click on This Document:

There is also a WEALTH of information concerning: (click on any of the links below to view more specific information regarding these topics.)

Another FINE Meeting!!!

On behalf of the PEP Board I want to thank all of the Parents, PTO Presidents and Community folk who attended our meeting last night.

It was an outstanding meeting full of insight, sharing, learning and most importantly providing us all with a high-level understanding of parental and student needs to effectuate the progression of our educational system. In addition, awareness was raised with regard to the need for family, community and the public to commit to the cause of Educational Excellence!

We are currently circulating a petition for a Parental Involvement Policy, and will follow-up with the formation of a committee of parents and community that will work to create this guidance document based on the New Jersey Department of Education – NCLB mandates and submit it to the Board of Education.

If you are interested in signing this petition and/or working on the committee please send me an email with your name, address and school affiliations and I will attach it to our petition. If you indicate you are interested in joining the committee a follow-up meeting notice will be forwarded to you with the pertinent information. (

We WILL move this district towards educational excellence – 1 Parent at a time!

Again – thank you all for your continued support!

One last thing, PEP shared with the community last night that the current District structure (paradigm) will no longer provide countenance for a (this) citywide PTO and therefore any funding previously afforded this organization through Title I funding is no longer available. As such – parent, former PEP VP, current PEP Program Advisor, as well as a parental and community advocate: Dr. Susan Phifer – offered to donate $200 towards food funding for our next few meetings. The PEP Board wishes to extend our sincere gratitude and a hearty THANK YOU for believing in the Vision and Mission of PEP!

Let’s PEP it UP!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Let's PEP it UP!

TONIGHT 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Washington Community School - Cafetorium
427 Darrow Avenue
Plainfield, NJ


* State of the District -- A Parent's Perspective

* PEP Partnering For Progress
- Linking to the District's Core Goal: Family and Community Involvement

* Parental Involvement Policy
- What is it?
- Do we need it here in Plainfield?
- Next Steps

* Open Discussion
- The public is encourage to share their views, ideas, issues and solutions

Come share, learn and grow -- parents empowering parents... we will change the condition of education in our community 1 parent at a time!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Divine Intervention!

In doing my daily reading from “The Word for You Today” – this is a quarterly pamphlet that provides a Christian based view for “Strength and Guidance for Daily Living” -- It became all too lucent and indicative of the current climate here in good old Plainfield, NJ.

How fitting that the “Word” for today admonishes us to: “Watch out or You Will Be Destroyed by Each Other.” Galatians 5:15

Hello – this is certainly Plainfield Public Schools' state of the district.

Saturday, October 25, 2008: How to fight so everybody wins (1)

Healthy relationships aren’t conflict free; they’re conflict resolving. The problem is: we fight for victories instead of fighting for solutions. The result is: one wins, one loses, and the relationship suffers!

Here are some practical insights for fighting so that the relationship wins:

(1) Differences are inevitable, normal and potentially beneficial. They’re inevitable because relationships bring together very different people. They’re normal, because all relationships, including great ones, experience them. They’re potentially beneficial, because handled effectively relationships grow through them.

(2) Here are three conflict handling styles:

(a) The Avoid Style: These are the “don’t want to rock the boat” and “let sleeping dogs lie” people. They fear confrontation, so they bury their feelings, not realizing they’re buried alive and will rise again down the road. They go from clam-up, to build-up, to blow-up, inviting physical and emotional illness. Meanwhile offenses accumulate, unaddressed issues multiply, ad unfinished business erodes the relationship.

(b) The Attack Style: These are the “get them before they get you” people; ruthless fighters who refuse to give in, they inflict terminal wounds on each other. The Bible say; “If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” Attack begets counterattack, both sides “dig in” and nothing gets resolved.

(c) The Approach Assert Style: These are the “no price is too high for a good relationship” people. They’re sensitive to the feelings of others; yet insist on dealing directly with important issues. They avoid blaming, confront the issue, not the individual, and invite others to partner with them in solving the problem and saving the relationship!

This excerpt is a direct lift from the September, October, November issue of The Word for You Today. Stop by a Bible-based Church and get your copy!!!

So – PEPers – which one are YOU?

Friday, October 24, 2008

What in the SAM HILL?!!?

Hello PEPers;

I've just spent the last 8 hours at Job Corp with a room full of Latino and African American young men who have either checked out or been discarded by our educational system. All of them are just looking for a way out/up! Thank GOD for options! Well that explains my late posting, but as promised I wanted to share with you my latest endeavor towards educational excellence.

OK -- so I've been lobbying for a Parental Involvement Policy for our district. I’ve had five parents ask about it/for it and me being the sixth – thought it to be a fair request…

Tuesday’s Board Meeting was dichotically challenging. There was an AWESOME presentation in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month. It was delightful to say the least. The children in their awesome array of colorful attire representing Spanish countries around the globe, danced, sang and cited poetry. There was a musical ensemble that filled the air with guitars, drums, a wind flute and other Hispanic cultural instruments for which I do not know the names. This was followed by a presentation of recognition for – I believe it was 5 or 6 – Plainfield students who achieved a PERFECT Score on the NJASK math test!

Folks – this IS what it is all about!!!

Then it happened –out of nowhere-- the sonic boom of a proclamation to the audience and I quote: “Don’t Talk to Me About Parental Involvement!”…wonder who that was meant for ;-).

Well how outrageous! What was so blatantly overridden/discarded/marginalized was the PERFECT opportunity to tout Parental Involvement. Here lay an opportunity for parents to hear from and network with the parents of those remarkable students to find out EXACTLY what they were doing with regard to education that enabled their children to achieve such outstanding results.

If no one else will say it – I will -- I know that it is BECAUSE OF THE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT -- these children achieved such phenomenal results. If it were ONLY the schools – then every child that was in the classroom with those students would have achieved the same results. A time to celebrate the true value of teachers and parents working together and obtaining PERFECT results was squandered.

Say it ain’t so…

You cannot have it both ways! “Don’t talk to me about parental involvement…” or “I remain open and available to respond to and work with … as well as all parents and organizations promoting the well-being of the students and community of Plainfield.”

So which is it? So – what is it?

I approached the board tuesday night to request the creation of a PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY, which is a RECOMMENDATION, put forth by The New Jersey Department of Education - NCLB GUIDANCE DOCUMENT. This 80- page document spells out clearly and precisely what the provisions of NCLB are in terms of support, implementation and sustaining parental involvement.

I also gave them copies of New Providence and Westfield Parental Involvement Policies, as well as offered up the webpage for Westfield’s Citywide PTO group. Heck – if we can benchmark our football team against Westfield for the past 50+ years – we can certainly use them as a benchmark with regard to what true, authentic Parental Involvement and District Partnerships look like.

OK – so here’s the deal – Do you ALL even care if we have a parental involvement policy in this district? I will discontinue my efforts if you comment to this Blog saying “NO” we don’t care about or want a parental involvement policy. But hold on – one small caveat – I will only post your comments if you provide your “verifiable name and an email address”… And finally – if I get 2 people who say our district should have such a policy (and that doesn’t include me or the other 5 who have already asked) I will continue to pursue this until we get what we need to effectively participate in the education of our children.

P.S.: So that you all don’t think I went too lofty using New Providence and Westfield…Check out these two school sites: Newark and Camden <--They even have a District-wide Parent Group [fancy that].

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Art of Dialoging...

Over the past few months many have interpreted “my” differences with the District’s policies, processes and procedures or lack thereof as a pronouncement or denouncement of the CSA’s ability to do good work here in Plainfield. I trust very much that Dr. Gallon is “qualified” to do what needs to be done in our schools and I trust that the BOE will continue to ensure that the parents and community of Plainfield best interests are served.

What I have disagreed with is the machinations of district policy and practices that have hampered parental involvement in “my” experience. Clearly, we have come to see that PEP is not the conduit by which the district wishes to receive such disagreements. In so far as the expectations of the District is that school PTOs provide this vehicle of report -- it is certainly a conclusion that PEP ultimately agrees with and will support in that we have never set out to be a brokerage firm of complaints from parents and/or the community. If the objective from all parties is to get parents involved in the schools and lives of students to create a better school system and that objective is met – then that mission is accomplished most assuredly.

It is just too simplistic to categorize “my” disagreements with the District as a matter of dissension or haranging. It is dialogue in its natural and truest form.

Dialogue is about what we value and how we define it. It is about discovering what our true values are, about looking beyond the superficial and automatic answers to our questions. Dialogue is about expanding our capacity for attention, awareness and learning with and from each other. It is about exploring the frontiers of what it means to be human, in relationship to each other and our world. – (Glenna Gerard, 1995)

Dialogue is a foundational communication process leading directly to personal and organizational transformation. It assists in creating environments of high trust and openness, with reflective and generative capacities. One might think of dialogue as a revolutionary approach in the development of the following organizational disciplines: continuous learning, diversity, conflict exploration, decision making and problem solving, leadership, self-managing teams, organizational planning and alignment, and culture change. – (Linda Ellinor , 1996)

Dialogue moves beyond any one individual's understanding, to make explicit the implicit and build collective meaning and community. The result is often a deeper level of understanding and new insight.

A most important aspect of Dialogue is that it creates a community-based culture of cooperation and shared leadership. It moves groups from the dependency, competition and exclusion often found in hierarchical cultures to increased collaboration, partnership and inclusion. – (The Dialogue Group)

It’s not personal. It’s parenting, advocating and dialoging.

To the extent that the nexus behind PEP’s existence is that ultimately we empower parents with the knowledge, information and support needed to navigate through the school district and make the best choice for their children’s education -- our purpose remains unchanged – in fact – intact.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Partners in Progress

Hello PEPers;

Sorry to post so late today. As I shared in a previous posting the PEP Board had a meeting with the Administrative Services Office (ASO)-- Community Relations Department today so that kept me busy. I know I said I was going to post about "inclusion" as it relates to building partnerships and then I was going to post (actually wrote it up this morning) my experience at last night's BOE meeting.

But -- after a very productive meeting, suffice it to say --I'll save my experience for later in the week. I will still post it, but as a matter of and in the spirit of good citizenship I thought I'd simply send you all a quick note to let you know that the meeting went well and that PEP is certainly looking forward to bringing about some solid, well-executed value-add student/parental/family and community activities over the next couple of months in partnership with the District's ASO -- Community Relations team.

We are a partnership in progress as we work to meet the needs of our students and parental communities for the betterment of PPSD.

Enjoy this typical October day!

Do Well and Be Well!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Art of Negotiating Partnerships

As PEP moves forward with trying to create partnerships within the district, specifically with the Community Relations Department, this writer felt it necessary to share her ideas/ideals on brokering effective partnerships.

According to an article written by Jack Pearpoint & Marsha Forest many parents, consumers, citizens feel that today’s partnerships mask the old ‘control’ games. Specifically, Pearpoint and Forest posit: “They feel that the “professionals” (those holding the power) really mean, come to our meeting, our service, our organization – an agree with our rules, our plan, our solution – whether you like it or not.” They conclude that “partnerships” often evoke suspicion and with this backdrop how can it be received any other way.

Here’s how! Let’s define partnerships – what does it mean, what would it look like, should a partnership be pursued? Partnerships as defined by The American Heritage College Dictionary, 3rd Edition – 3. The relationship of individuals or groups marked by mutual cooperation and responsibility. In addition to the mutual cooperation between individuals and groups there must also be inclusiveness and effective negotiations so that the end result is a partnership resulting in a win-win proposition.

As PEP continues to struggle for full recognition as a citywide PTO advocating for parents, students and the community for a better educational system – we will undoubtedly need to remain flexible yet steadfast as we attempt to create new dialogue for partnerships where people actually talk WITH each other. I’ll share this final thought by authors Pearpoint and Forest -- “ Diverse groups can reach common goals when they embrace partnership.”

Tomorrow – I’ll write more about - Inclusion – its place within a partnership.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Have Your Say!

To all you Bloggers, Forum Posters and Inquisitive Community Folks, the opportunity to address your questions is HERE!

The Plainfield BOE Business Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow night and this is the opportune time for you to get some well deserved answers to your many, many questions and concerns.

7 PM - Administrative Building
(the old Jefferson School)
1200 Myrtle Avenue
Plainfield, NJ

If you are serious about changing the direction of our school system -- Don’t miss it!

Hope to see you all there!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's TIME to PEP It UP!!!

Mark Your Calendars!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

6 Weeks to the DATE!

What has PEP been up to for the past 6 weeks since school has begun?

Well, besides trying to navigate through district processes; which you all have been reading about over the past few days, and for which I must add – we have reached an amicable arrangement with the District and space has been provided.

Here’s how we net out to date:

  1. We have formed our New Board

  2. Garnered the support of two Community Advisors & Honorary Board Member

  3. Held our first General Body Meeting

  4. Conducted our 1st Official Board Meeting

  5. Redesigned Our Organization’s Brochure (click on images below for a printable version)

  6. Made PEP presentations to:
    Evergreen’s PTO
    Hubbard’s PTO
    Clinton’s PTO (scheduled this evening)

  7. Sent an Invitation to our District's Community Relations Office for a Meeting of the Minds

  8. Drafting Our team goals for 08-09
What’s next:

  • Meet with the District Community Relations Office to work on a plan for joint initiatives to promote family/community involvement
  • Submit an Application for 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization status
  • Prepare for Our next General Body meeting scheduled for OCTOBER 27, 2008
  • Continue our efforts to give PEP presentations at the remaining schools in the district
We are off and running and I’ll keep you posted on our progress!

Important Dates to Remember In October:

October 21, 2008 – Board of Education Business Meeting 7 PM Old Jefferson Elementary School

October 27, 2008 – PEP General Body Meeting 6:30 –8:30 PM Washington Community School Cafetorium

Hope to see you there!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Filling in the GAPS!!!

Needs ....................A FEW more Good PEOPLE!!!

We are currently looking to fill TWO(2) Board Positions
and obtain a Legal Advisor

Recording Secretary: Must be a diligent quality conscious individual and copious note taker. Able to meet deadlines, communicate effectively and keep the team on track. If this sounds like you --- Then we would love to welcome you to the PEP Family.

Treasurer: An individual with a working knowledge of GAAPs as well as meticulous with numbers, facts and figures. As the individual will have the responsibility of managing the day-to-day financials of the organization, it is imperative that the individual is comfortable with creating spreadsheets, reports and other accounting-related activities. If this sounds like you – Then we would love to welcome you to the PEP Family.

Board Advisor (Legal): We are looking for a community lawyer who would be willing to work (pro-bono of course) in providing the Board with the guidance both necessary and required within a non-profit structure. If you have 15-20 volunteer community hours for the 4Q08-2Q09 – PEP would love to have you support the family.

If you are interested in helping us “fill in the gaps” please email me a short paragraph outlining your qualificiations t0:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Black and Blue, but Still Standing!

Ladies and Gentlemen -- this concludes this transcript, although this does not conclude the experience. Suffice it to say, the PEP Board members met last night and have decided that we will use this as all experiences should be used -- to learn from it and move forward.

So, in conclusion...

PEP will continue to make inroads with the District to pursue opportunities for partnering under the umbrella of Family and Community engagement.

We look forward to working in partnership with our schools' PTOs, our community, our local businesses, and of course OUR Parents -- as we focus on initiatives that will ultimately bring the educational rigor and soundness we seek for our schools to fruition!

Be well!

Monday, October 13, 2008

And Thwarted Some More...

Continued from yesterday -- this is the same original reply -- just part II -- I told you all it was Lengthy.. As a reminder...comments in "Black" are from the District...Comments in "Blue" are from PEP.
From: Dr. Gallon III

However, please allow me to shed light on this matter. I have previously met with Ms. Hernandez and members of PEP to ascertain an understanding of the parental structure in Plainfield upon my arrival in July. They were the first and only parental group that I met with. After the meeting, it was requested that a follow-up meeting with PEP be held with PTO presidents. After I was not invited and/or made aware of whether a meeting had taken place or not, staff, consistent with Goal 5 of the 20092012 District Strategic Plan, was directed to work with principals to ensure that each school had an active, functioning PTO.

Respectfully, let it be understood that PEP reached out to Dr. Bailey, our last CSA contact, and as a matter of decency and order made a request that PEP by way of Dr. Bailey would be added to Dr. Gallon’s calendar so that the relationship that had been forged and supported by the last three CSA administration would continue. (See email attachment)

The Email Attachments Read as follows:


"Hernandez, Renata [OBIUS]"
To:"Garnell Bailey (E-mail)"
Cc:"Michelle Curry (workemail) (E-mail)" "RAHernandez(Alt)" < "Renata A. Hernandez" , "Shonte B. Simmons""Susan Phifer (E-mail)" "Susan Phifer (E-mail)"
Subject:PEP Executive Board and SI Monthly Meeting: PIP: Partners in Progress
Date:Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:41:13 -0400

Hi Garnell -- I just want to confirm we are on your calendar for Wednesday 5/7 at 5:30 in conjunction with our Monthly partnership meetings -- furthermore referred to as PIP (Partners In Progress).

As a result of the PEP Election following are the new PEP Board Executives:
President : Renata A. Hernandez
Co-Vice President : Dr. Susan Phifer
Co-Vice President : Michelle Curry
Recording Secretary : Shonte B. Simmons
Honorary Board Member : George Rivera

Additionally, here are the 2008-2009 G&Os for PEP (Note: those areas in Red will require direct partnership with the SI and/or BOE to successfully complete, and accordingly will be the topics for discussion during our 5/7 PIP mtg.)

2008-2009 Goals & Objectives
* * Partner w/Principals (BOE) on Back-to-School Night Agenda
* * Help to establish a Parent Group at Every School
* * Help to ensure that there is a Functional SLC at Every School
* * Establish 1 Major Business Supporter
* * Establish 1 Major Clergy Supporter
* * Create a PEP/SSFS Portfolio (handouts)
* * Serve on the Steering Committee/Board of PIRC initiative

And Finally --
we would like to discuss the transition plan/introduction of PEP to the incoming SI in hopes of garnering your support in sustaining and nurturing this valuable partnership. (emphasis added)

As always, I appreciate your time and consideration of the matters herein.

*******End of Email*******

Continuation of Response…

Nevertheless, PEP did meet with Dr. Gallon, around-July 28th; at that time PEP shared with the CSA that OUR goal was to have functioning SLCs and PTOs at each and every school throughout the district. He shared that it was a necessary and value-add goal and then said conclusively – he even had Dr. Bailey called into the room during this meeting – and he directed her and the members of the PEP Board to work together going forward and that ALL responsibilities with regard to PEP and parental involvement in general would now fall under Dr. Bailey.

Part III to be continued on tomorrow...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

and Thwarted...

Note: The following is the reply from Dr. Gallon III to my letter I posted yesterday, followed by my opening and reply to each of his points -- both communiques transpired on 10/7…but because of the lengthiness I inserted my reply to the gentleman’s reply within one document that was then emailed to the entire distribution as noted previously but with the addition of the following persons as added by the CSA.: "Ottmann, Gary" , "Kemp, Angela", "Brown, Gloria J." , "Rios-Saunders, Dorinda"

From: "Hernandez, Renata "
To: "Gallon, Steve" , "Davis, Rose"

cc: As Noted
Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 6:03:06 PM

First I give Honor and Thanks to Jehovah MOST HIGH by way of his son Jesus
Christ who has prepared me most securely for this privilege, this petition, and
this position. AMEN

Attached please find the letter of response to Dr. Gallon III as well as
supporting documentation as referenced in the attachment.

Good Evening,
October 7, 2008

So that there is no confusion as to the intent and purpose of this letter, please let it be recorded as a formal complaint of this public to the Plainfield Board of Education and PPS District And that further, this document represents the communiqué as provided by Dr. S. Gallon III (CSA/District-noted in Black font) and the responses (noted in blue font) are that of the petitioner (furthermore noted as PEP).

Please note Ms. Hernandez is correct in her reference to Policy 1330. However, there is currently no evidence of an application on file for review or approval with Buildings & Grounds, pursuant to established procedures. Ms. Denise Slicker is the contact and has the required
documentation for pick-up and completion.

In so much as this petitioner was not privy to this process for PTOs, and as PEP is a PTO, there is no precedence for having PTOs obtain such approval. If this PTO is being required to pursue access to community facilities that is neither aligned with ordinary process or practices by which all other PTOs in this District function, then I call into question the legitimacy and legality of said requirement.

As for the definition of outside groups, I would defer to those listed under letters A-E of same Policy 1330.

Before we proceed first let us all get an understanding of what “outside” means Dr. Gallon, PPSD, BOE and the public as Policy 1330 does not make mention of the specific word “outsider” as put forth by the exclusionary term used by the District to deny access to PEP on at least two occasion thus far.

If PEP is to be considered an “outside” group than all other PTOs, PTAs or derivatives thereof, must be considered and held to the same standards, processes and procedures as noted in BOE Policy 1330; otherwise it could be interpreted that there is prejudice with regard to decisions being made with regard to requests put forth by PEP for bona fide use of District facilities as support by A). The definition of a PTO; and B). BOE Policy 1330; Section A. Class I (Top Priority) in its entirety.

As I cannot speak to past practices, I am grateful to reference to said Policy 1330 in addressing the use of facilities issue.

Pursuant to Policy 1312 and the request of the BOE to take up the matter as requested, I again would request that Policy 1312 be complied with. The policy clearly stipulates that the chief school administrator shall develop procedures to investigate and solve problems promptly, and provide accurate factual information in answers to inquiries. To date, I have received no inquiry or request regarding the matter being raised by Ms. Hernandez. This process is also reflected in state statutes.

In so much that this petitioner met with said CSA (as noted in the CSA’s response) and was directed to conduct ALL business through the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, specifically Dr. Garnell Bailey, going forward, it would stand to reason that in effect Dr. Gallon removed himself from any communication that would be forthcoming and by Proxy delegation extended his authority to the District representative in his employ and by which PEP was unable to reach satisfactory adjustment and therefore does request the hearing of this matter by the members of the Board of Education.

To Be Continued...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Partnership Thwarted...

Good Saturday Morning to YOU All!

Many thanks to all of you who have offered your support and encouragement for PEP to continue to fight the good fight – and in doing so will bring about the manifestation of all parties “True” intentions!

Part II – A Partnership Thwarted:

The following request was made to secure space for the PEP Board Meetings; the previous transcript was to request space for PEP General Body meetings. I thought it prudent to point out this difference. Let me further warn you that this is a 14 page compilations of exchanges for which the current Blog screen size would be overwhelming to the reader. It will therefore take me approximately 2 weeks of posting to provide you with the full breadth and scope of this entire exchange.

I also want to provide one point of clarification before I begin. The District did provide direction in the end --and as I posted in the transcript -- to secure space at the Washington Community School. The young lady who manages this process provided a clear, concise and direct process by which to follow and her follow-up and follow through were SUPERB!

The following experience that you are about to read – however -- is directly from the pages of Abbott & Costello’s --- Who’s on First…I Don’t Know…

Original Request:
Sent: 10/6/08 - 12:06 PM

Hi Rose,

Following are dates and times I would like to secure meeting space for the PEP Board Meeting for the 08-09 School year. All meetings will be scheduled from 6PM - 8PM.

11/10: PEP Board
12/15: PEP Board Meeting
1/12/09: PEP Board Meeting
2/9: PEP Board Meeting
3/16: PEP Board Meeting
4/13: PEP Board Meeting
5/4: PEP Board Meeting
6/1& 6/8 or 6/15: PEP Board Meeting

Please advise if the space will be available or provide an alternate location.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this request and a timely reply.
From: Davis, Rose []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 9:01 AM

Good Morning Mrs. Hernandez,

As per Dr. Bailey, we do not provide space for outside organizations. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Rose Davis
Coordinator of Community Involvement & Support Services

Note: the Exclusionary terms used here specifically identifying PEP once again as an “outside” organization.

From: "Hernandez, Renata [OBIUS]"
To: "Davis, Rose"
CC: "Bailey, Garnell" , , "PEP President" , "Secy-Shonte B. Simmons" <>, "VP-Alicia Jones" <>, "VP-Vicky Hubbard" <>, "(BOE) Agurs Linward Cathcart Jr. (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Bridget Rivers (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Christopher Estevez (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Lisa Logan-Leach (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Martin Cox (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Pat Barksdale" , "(BOE) Vickey Sheppard (E-mail)" , "(BOE) Wilma Campbell (E-mail)"

Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:45:00 AM

Good Morning:

I would first ask that you please define "outside" organizations and provide your district policy for same.

Respectfully I call your attention to BOE Policy #1330 in support of our application for use.

Further -- I submit the following support documentation which further provides for support of meeting space specific to PIRC facilities.

"Parent Information and Resource Centers (PIRCs) can help. With funding from the U.S. Department of Education, more than 80 PIRCs are working to inform and educate parents, family advocates, educators, community organizers, faith-based activists and others committed to educational success for all students, especially low-income, minority, and English language learning students." (PIRC Info Center Website:

US Legislation regarding funding and purposes of PIRC (Subpart 16):(

US Legislation regarding Parental Involvement (SEC 1118):

PEP's identity as a PTO -- from a historical perspective PEP has ALWAYS been and functioned as a PTO, this has not changed. In fact, if the District would review its books it will see that they have always utilized PEP to fulfill Title I funding obligations as well as to comport with various State and Governmental policies under NCLB parental involvement statutes.

The question is what has change with regard to the district's perspective as to what PEP is or is not?

To The Plainfield Board of Education:

I would like to formally request that this matter be taken to the BOE in accordance with Policy# 1312 (5th paragraph) in so much that PEP has sought to have District policies and procedures identified and distributed to the public by which the District would engage organizations such as a PTOs, and more specifically PEP, and furthermore has found unsatisfactory adjustment.

I do hereby make a request on behalf of PEP as their President to have heard before the BOE this complaint of dissatisfaction with regard to parental involvement engagement restrictions levied on the citywide PTO known as PEP that may be in violations in accordance with NCLB legislature, policies and mandates.

Your attention, direction and recommendation for proceeding would be most appreciated.

Renata A. Hernandez, PEP President

P.S.: Please forward to Dr. Gallon as I do not have his email address.

Stay tuned over the next few weeks as I post the conversations that ensued.

Enjoy this most Beautiful of Fall Days!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Keeping the Main Thing -- "THE MAIN THING!"

I wanted to clarify why I have decided to release the communications between PEP and the District.

I have been approached with various versions of what PEP has said, has done, is planning to do etc... So as a matter of TRANSPARENCY I want to make public what PEP is doing, how, why and with whom. Instead of third-party hearsay I am reposting the exact communiqués that transpired.

Last night's District address (which --by the way-- was very good overall) -- repeated one single theme -- Cooperation!

Through The Power of "C" parental/community involvement campaign, PEP had long ago identified this as one the three main tenets that make up effective community engagement; specifically Communication, Collaboration (a.k.a. Cooperation), and Commitment.

PEP is not looking to be a clearinghouse for all issues PPS. We want to harness the talents and abilities of our community in COOPERATION with the District in moving us towards educational excellence.

Yes!!! That does mean discussing what ails us publicly, but it also means helping to identify and being a part of the solution.

I am going to continue to post the communications between the District and I -- good, bad and yes some times the trifling. I am going to continue to work as a parent, a family and community advocate, a community resident, a home owner, a tax payer and a strong, intelligent Black Woman because I need to let those young ladies who so eloquently presented at our Board meeting not so long ago that THIS BLACK WOMAN -- Lives, is Present and Ready to Partner to make a difference in the life of the MAIN THING
-- our CHILDREN!!!

As my man Bill Cosby said, "Sometimes you just have to be blunt..."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In Conclusion...

I received an email response and a phone call asking me not respond to the original responder, apparently something in my email was perceived as “nasty” – not sure how - (you be the judge as every word of it is right here for your review) nevertheless – perception is reality…I was told my new contact would reach out to me by the end of the day, but unfortunately I had already begun writing my response as noted…

My Response: 9/23:

-- -- so that I'm clear with where we are currently. Given ---- ---'s email of this morning advising ------ is my new contact can I safely assume that the email with attachments I sent to you on 9/16 will be forwarded to ---- by you and the appropriate signoffs will be secured? Additionally, can I have ----‘s email for my record?

Finally, given the timeline you've shared -- can I expect that a translated version of the agenda and flyers will be forthcoming by this Thursday and that distribution will ensue by Friday; the meeting is Monday?

I want to avoid duplicating processes. Given that our flyer and agenda get posted to the PEP Website embedded in the district's website can we work the process in parallel. That being, when I send one email to all parties -- each will work their relative responsibilities to gain approvals, secure translations and coordinate distribution? Respectfully, and as a matter of efficiency I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your timely reply and direction.

The Next Day – I received this response from my “New” Contact: 9/24:

Good morning Mrs. Hernandez,

Hope all is well, I am responding to the email that you sent to -------- with respect to distribution of information. I'm sorry to inform you that the district does not provide services such as copies and translation for outside entities such as PEP/PTO. We do have a budget allocated for such services.

Please call me so that we can discuss this further. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience.

I can be reached at
My Response 9/24: I opted to email instead of call…

Wow! No need to apologize although it is certainly an inconvenience; and I presume your last sentence should have read ..."Do Not"...

Can you tell me what services the district does have in place for outside entities so that I do not waste our respective time reaching out for support? I had the understanding that there are Abbott District funds for Parent groups such as PEP/PTOs to be utilized in efforts that encourage parental involvement.

I would be interested in gaining clarity around this funding allocation.


District Response: 9/24/08

Ms. Hernandez,

You are correct "we do not have a budget allocation for such services". The district does not have any services in place for outside entities. In speaking with Dr. Bailey, we do have Abbott District funds available; however these funds are allocated for nationally known organizations such as PTO.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your organization.
And that Your Honor is the Truth – the whole Truth and Nothing But the TRUTH. As Barack Obama would say – “You can’t make this stuff up.”

The Saga continues…

Just to wrap this situation up with a pretty bow and all... You will recall I posted last week several informational facts about the definition of a PTO/PTA/Parent group. This was in response to this event.
I've said it twice all ready, but they say the 3rd times a charm:

Hear Ye... Hear Ye -- One and All
P.E.P. (Parents Empowering Parents)
is a PTO!

Dang Blammit!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And The (Righteous) -- Taketh By Force!

THEY have taken US to task and certainly off task – BUT for a little while.

Good Morning PEP Family –

Over the past 3 months PEP has encounters, and more specifically “Me” as the President and representative of PEP, some very troubling behaviors with regard to our District and their willingness (or lack thereof) to support community and family involvement groups and programs.

I have had to defend PEP’s position on several occasions and have been personally and publically lambasted by the leadership of this District. I have been called presumptuous, but most recently disingenuous and a clearinghouse of political propaganda.

If providing the public with truthful information, organizing community and family involvement activities and asking questions to our District leadership with regard to what this community and our families need to help move our children towards educational excellence – then I will continue to undergo these less than honorable circumstances in practice.

Over the next several days I am going to post some communiques with regard to requests that I have submitted on behalf of PEP. I want you all to see for yourselves and judge for yourselves if what I have experienced represents an authentic leaning towards community and family involvement as put forth by our District leadership.

Judge for yourself – I submit:

Here’s a real transcript from a series of emails that transpired as I was trying to work through the district in support of the “community and family” involvement strategic goal #5. I “dashed” out the names because this is not about who said what in so much as it is about the philosophical and fundamental practices of a department that is suppose to be about the business of engaging in supportive family/community involvement. I reposted this in date order so that you all wouldn’t have to read backwards –so when something notes see below – it is really above for our purposes.

I lived this so that you can learn from it…

My Initial Request Email: sent on 9/16

I need to understand how and with whom PEP should work with in district. Formerly, --------------- would have the meeting flyers and agendas translated and distributed through the family liaisons to each of the schools. I'd like to know how we will go about it this year.

I have attached the meeting flyer and agenda.

<<>> <<>>

Please let me know how to proceed and what the process requirements are going forward.
1 week later no response – so I followed up on 9/23:

Good Morning -- & -- I really need to get a response regarding the request below. More importantly -- I'd like to know "who" is my contact within the PPS district. If none -- please say so.

I would appreciate a reply of some kind.

District Response received 9/23:

Please clarify what information/support you are requesting.

I am willing to assist in anyway possible; however, I need clarification on your request.

My Response on 9/23

Specifically, as noted in my email to you on 9/16 :
---meeting flyers and agendas translated and distributed to the schools;
--- what is the timeline for turnaround (the translated version) and distribution to the schools
--- I'd like to know how we will go about it this year.

District Follow-up Response: 9/23:

Distributed information to students must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services. These flyers and/or agendas should be submitted to my office electronically. We will ensure its translation within 48 hours. The approval period typically takes 24 hours.


Believe it or not this in not the end of this simple request. Nothing completely earth shattering -- right?... Well Tune in tomorrow as I post the conclusion of this experience.

Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Well!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pardon My Absence.

All -- I apologize for not posting today but there has been some breaking District issues that have arisen between PEP and the PPSD.

I will update you all tomorrow on the outcomes.
Enjoy this MOST beautiful Day!!!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Think Pink!!!

In dedication to all the millions of families
who have been impacted by this disease...

PEP is honored to dedicate this posting to:


Ladies take care of yourselves!

We honor those who have fought and those who

Continue to FIGHT!
For more information Click here for steps on Breast Self Awareness!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Stay Tuned!!!

The PEP Board is planning their first team meeting.

  • We’ve heard your concerns!
  • We are committed to moving this district forward!
  • We invite you to continue to share your vision and solutions!
  • Most importantlyWe look forward to working with ALL Queen City Stakeholders to chart out and define the future direction of Parental and Community Involvement to ensure OUR school district achieves Educational Excellence!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thought For Today...

As we endeavor to work through the economic, social, psychological and spiritual ebb and flow of emotions during these (Today’s) trying times, it is our RESPONSIBILITY as educators, parents, friends and community members to support and tap the resilience of our youth.

According to ASCD Whole Child – and forty years of research -- the keys to tapping young people’s innate resilience are COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, SUPPORTIVE Role Models, and CHALLENGING skill mastery.

We must always remember that if it is about the children – then they too deserve a seat at the table!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finding the Middle Ground -- It is POSSIBLE!

~A response to My Fellow Blogger @ The Crescent Times~

I think there are two critical pieces that stifle the “middle ground” partnership between all stakeholders – succinctly – TRUST and MUTUAL RESPECT.

Until parents and the community can trust that school officials (Administrators and Board members) will hirer qualified people who are the Best for the job and will DO their BEST for this District…we remain stymied.

Until parents and the community respect the authority of school officials (Administrators, Teachers and the Board) to create an infrastructure, policies and put programs in place in our schools that are the BEST for this District…we remain stymied.

Until school officials (Administrators, Teachers and the Board) respect parents and the community’s time and right to be A PART OF the educational experience of their children in this District…we remain stymied.

Until parents and the community respect TEACHERS ability and methods for effectively teaching our children in this District…we remain stymied.

Until Teachers trust that what they do in the classroom is greater than any conflict they have outside the classroom in this District…we remain stymied.

Until we all come to a level of TRUST and MUTUAL RESPECT for the parts and positions we hold in the lives of our children within this District…we will continue to dig ourselves deeper and deeper into the muck and mire of under-performing, under-educated, under-utilized, unengaged, unmotivated, inattentive, inadequate, inertia we find ourselves in at this very moment.

The Solution – Simple: Open and Honest Dialog…Follow-Up, Follow-Through and Continuous Process Improvement with the goal of EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE!

(As an aside)
As we recently established a Board for PEP – I find it both necessary and prudent to add the following disclosure: The writing, comments and commentary of this Blog is from the perspective of me (Renata A. Hernandez) and although there will be opportunities for PEP Board Members to write to this blog and said writing will be adequately noted – it should be understood that any writing not duly noted to be authored by a different individual can be and should be attributed to me directly – that being the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. (RAH)

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