Saturday, April 10, 2010

Preparation 101



                             Reading and Studying.



Anonymous said...

The Plainfield BOE's Connection to SGIII by back2miami, 4/10/10

Let's talk about LC, he is beholding to SGIII because he has enabled AK to allow her child to attend the PLFD Div of Rec programs for free, at the expense of our children who could have that spot. MC, is beholding to SGIII cause he knows that SGIII is well aware of the kick backs MC is receiving from Sedexo. PB is beholding to SGIII cause she needs his attention among other things. BR (Weave Queen) thinks she is still on the board and needs SGIII elevate her Ghetto Behind. CE, is beholding to SGIII in order to keep his wife employeed. BG (Precious) is beholding to SGIII even after he terminated her own son, so she can be associated with the in crowd and KP is just taking up a seat. They are a bunch of DUDS! Vote out as many as you can, quickly and bring PRIDE back to Plainfield.

Anonymous said...

by timeforthetruth, 4/11/10 18:29 ET
Famous Quote "I don't play checkers, I play Chess",
Update, Check! Let's see if your pawns (PB, LC, MC, CE, BG and KP) can protect you now. Time is running out on you. TIC TOC, TIC TOC

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