Monday, December 1, 2008

The "I's" Have IT!!!

The following is a continuation of our list of positive parental affirmations as excerpted from Principal Kafele’s 50 “I's” For Effective Parenting

Discuss this list with your children, ask them what each means to them and share some examples so that they are clear what these adages mean to you. And don’t forget… ADD them to your VISION Wall so that these become a regular part of your life and your attitude as you interact with your children day-to-day.


11. I remind my children that they represent me at all times.

12. I spend quality time with my children

13. I communicate with my children regularly – both speaking and listening.

14. I have high expectations for my children, despite my own setbacks.

15. I constantly encourage my children to search for the genius and creativity that lies within them.

16. I constantly challenge my children to achieve excellence.

17. I hold my children accountable for achieving academic excellence.

18. I strive to motivate, educate and empower my children daily.

19. I do not accept mediocrity from my children.

20. I tell and show my children that I love them.



Anonymous said...

To Offended Poster -- first let me apologize for any offense taken. I do not edit exact lifts and this is exactly what I have been presenting here... The gentlemen's “intent” is relevant to all races/class/ethnicities – I cannot edit it at will nor will I negate the applicability because the author chooses to call out specificities with in the context of their experience.

Again -- I do apologize, but if me posting a quoted work (and that’s what this is) of which you find “one” exception to nul acceptation causes you to question my “motives” – then YOU know me NOT. My Grandmother (paternal) and my Great-Grandmother (maternal) are both of the Caucasian persuasion – for the record.

Anonymous said...

I am reposting this comment I received and reply to above...for some reason the system would not post it...or we will see a duplicate of the posting in a day or two either way here it goes.

From Anonymous:

As much as I enjoyed the list, (in full), and am a parent, I am offended as a caucasian resident of Plainfield that you have not made reference to the fact that although this was quoted, it could stand for all parents of Plainfield.

All you needed to do was to change "read literature based upon our heritage." etc.

You had an avid follower, but now I have to question your motives.

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