Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All Those in FAVOR...Say "I"!

The following is a continuation of our list of positive parental affirmations as excerpted from Principal Kafele’s 50 “I's” For Effective Parenting.

Given the comments from an avid reader (and I DO appreciate my readers) I feel it necessary to make the following remarks. In totality I believe the information presented by Principal Kafele is both relevant and applicable to our community. What should be understood is that most history read in our classrooms/schools are non-specific to African or Latino Americans ergo the writer's admonishment to specifically address that historical gap of this student population.

It is fair to say that we all get a general history about America in terms of Caucasian Americans through school's traditional curriculum? The inclusion (callout) to these two ethnicities should be viewed as a call to consciousness for the parents of these social groups to "ensure" they expose their children and give them a solid understanding of "their" historical context/content in this land we call America.

So -- in that vain -- I ask all readers to do your internal edits as you deem appropriate, but do not ask of me to change a passage to read differently...but rather do as my avid reader friend has done...and share with me your offense/differing of opinion. Let's not avoid the conversation --At least we dialog whereby both will gain a different perspective/respect for the other -- even if --in the end we agree to disagree.

Now for your next 10 "I's" of Effective Parenting:

21. I don’t ridicule and demean my children.

22. I refrain from negativity in my interactions with my children.

23. I take my children to African and Latino-centered educational programs and activities.

24. I expose my children to a wide variety of activities

25. I assist my children with their homework.

26. I review my children’s homework.

27. I require that my children study - even when they do not have homework.

28. I attend functions and meetings at my children's school.

29. I go to my children's school to meet and interact with teachers and administrators.

30. I encourage my children to believe in themselves.

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