Friday, September 26, 2008

Repeat After Me...

ALL GROUPS that are not legally operating as a PTA -- but are formed by, made up of, or are for parents with the purpose of empowering, educating and helping to navigate through a school district are by default PTOs (Parent Teacher Organizations).

There is NO such thing as a NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED PTO (period).

PTOs, PTA, PACs (which by the way stands for Parent Advisory Council) and PEP should function INDEPENTENTLY from the principals, district or BOE.

This DOES NOT mean you go around doing whatever you want to in someone's school – that’s disrespectful! And further it is not the type of behavior that supports the collaboration we need to move this district forward.

What is does mean is that Parents are responsible for creating the mission, vision and activities of the parent group based on the desires and goals of the parent group body for their respective school.

What is DOES mean is that parent groups should work hand and hand with the school administration to come to agreement on the direction and goals of the parent group.

What is DOES mean is that principals although they have the legal authority to oversee any and all activities that take place in their school -- they do not have the authority to dictate, run ramshod or control parent groups. "That would be like having the Fox guard the chicken coop."

In effect -- parent groups and administrators should be PARTNERS in the successful implementation of school based – child focused activities.

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