Sunday, September 7, 2008

Creating A Climate For Success

Research purports that it takes 20 days to break or build a habit. If this proves truthful than parents can start to instill good study habits with their children tomorrow and then by October 1st we should have a district full of engaged, prepared and excited student learners!

Psychologists have been investigating the process of learning and education since the early part of this century. Their research findings suggest that academic performance can be significantly increased through a systematic approach to study. It is therefore surprising that our educational system generally provides minimal instruction on good study habits and techniques. As a result, many students and adults never realize their full potential because of misconceptions, fallacies and misunderstanding about the process of study. Effective study habits are crucial to success in acquiring knowledge, whether this is in school, college or in the workforce. (Kirkman)

To help support creating a successful educational year for our children – here are some websites and tips that offer some sound advice on developing effective study habits.

7 Steps to Effective Study Habits
(The following 7 steps are based on the work of Johnson, Springer and Sternglanz in relation to time management.) Cited from:

Step 1: Acknowledge that learning can be immensely satisfying and life changing
and it requires a sustained, consistent effort on your part. Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

Step 2: Set up a schedule for studying. Setting up a schedule will do much to prevent procrastination and also maintain motivation. By setting aside definite times for study you will also demonstrate your commitment to your goals and help maintain otivation.

Step 3: Find a place where you can study and concentrate. It is important to find a place where you can study without distractions.

Step 4: Keep a record of your study activities and review on a weekly basis. It is vitally important that you get accurate information about how much time you are spending in study each week.

Step 5: Reward your studying. Give yourself immediate tangible rewards for
successful study, such as a snack, TV show, time with friends and so on.

Step 6 : Be alert to activities which may reinforce bad study habits. Behavioral studies have consistently shown the power of rewards. However, be very careful in how you reward yourself. Make sure that you are not using rewards to reinforce a negative attitude to learning.

Step 7 : Have the right attitude. Students who complain that the subject matter is boring miss the main point. It is not the subject or the teacher who will make the course interesting. Interest is a matter of your attitude. Nobody can make you interested unless you want to be interested. Bring an inquiring mind, a positive attitude to your studies, you will find learning exciting, challenging, and interesting.

Other noteworthy sites:


Zenhabits For Kids:

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