Monday, September 28, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Sixteen

No one could deny that Candice Roy was truly brilliant. A graduate from the prestigious Princeton Law School, Candice was confident, competent and envied by all her colleagues.

She was the “Oprah Winfrey” of the court room circuit. Unscrupulous in her business practices, Candice had earned a reputation of not just being the proverbial itch -- starting with a "B", but Miss itch--starting with a "B".

Defendants and their legal representation would wince at the thought of her prosecuting their case. Many who were thought to have been not guilty accepted plea bargains just to avoid a court room encounter with Miss itch--starting with a "B".

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Fifteen

“Just one Candice, its from Jose.” Rosa passed the pink memo slip to Candice. Candice scanned the memo section and began to bellowing out a litany of orders.

“And Rosa - tell the two newest paralegals this ones for them. Let’s see what they got kiddo.”

Candice fully expected her subordinates to earn their keep. This was no nursery; no time for cuddling. Either you had what it took to perform at an unrealistic pace or you were fired. There was no middle ground with Candice.

She had a reputation of being as mean and cruel as Gunga Din, as cunning and calculating as the Iatola and as uncompassionate as Hitler. Candice could make a full grown man cry in frustration and women break down and run from her harsh words and often brutal criticism.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Return to: The Book | Chapter 2 : Fourteen

“Listen Kraus I don’t give a damn what your client wants. Tell him no deal because this ones personal. He should have thought of that before he pled not guilty and if you were worth your weight in salt you would have advised him on this earlier."

"I’ve got to go. I’ll see you in court Wednesday. Have a nice day.”

Candice surreptitiously pushed the speaker button to disconnect the call and with the flick of her pinky paged her secretary. “Rosa do I have any messages?”

Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

ATTENTION - All New Horizon Alumni --Your Stories Are NEEDED!!!

New Horizons College Club, Inc.

2009 marks our 40th Year of serving young people in the Plainfield Area by guiding and directing them to a college education. Be on the lookout for more information about the 40th Anniversary Celebration.

As you know, William E. Gary is the Founder of Outreach which evolved into New Horizons College Club, Inc. For the past two years he has been facing a series of health challenges. However, in speaking with him, a source of inspiration in his recovery is the knowledge that the legacy of this organization will continue to positively impact the lives of students.

You are a part of that legacy!

It is our hope to capture specific memories from each of you in a scrapbook that he can view from time to time as he continues on the road to recovery. So, this is what we need:

• Name:

• High School:

• Year of High School Graduation:

• College(s) Attended

• Share with us what you’re doing now? (Feel free to share information about your various degrees, profession, family, where you live and how you now define life’s success)

• Tell us how Outreach/New Horizons College Club, Inc. impacted your life.Whether you participated in the program when Mr. Gary was there (1969 – 1995) or you were a beneficiary of his legacy (1995 – present), we want to hear from you.

Also, please let us know if it is ok to grab a photo off your facebook page to use in the scrapbook or you can provide us with a current picture along with your write-up.

Finally, there are so many people that benefitted from the program, many are not on facebook so please feel free to share with others that you may know. The responses can be emailed to

We can always add to the scrapbook, but the target date to begin working on the scrapbook is Friday, October 16, 2009.

Thank you in advance for what is certainly going to be an outpouring of love, inspiration and great memories!

Leslie A. Anderson
Board of Directors
New Horizons College Club, Inc.

The Book | Chapter 2 : THIRTEEN

Rising from his desk to retrieve his jacket, briefcase and keys, Jose bussed for the secretary. “Hey, Stef - I have to run over to the precinct and meet with Chief Doucan. Looks like they might have found the Meadowbrook terrors. Do me a favor please and leave word with Candice about where I’ve gone, and tell her it’s a Juvee case -- she’ll know what to do form there. Thanks!”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Too Darn Funny!!!

Alright – so I had to, HAD to blog about this – it’s just too funny to keep to myself. I received a “survey/census/who ya voting for call” yesterday and the guy doing the call was a HOTT Mess! To translate Hott Mess ='s pitifully inept.

Ok – so this guy reads off the candidates running for various offices in NJ of which I only knew two: Linda & Jerry… Then he starts asking about how the current administration is doing? How are the Democrats doing overall, the Republicans etc., and finally he moves on to the gubernatorial race followed immediately by questions regarding our President, and here’s where it starts getting ReDuNKulous… He mispronounces Corzine’s name, and then he mispronounces the president's name -- I mean as though he had never heard them before.

Now I’m hysterical!

So-- I think the guy gets offended because he then says; “well I’m from North Dakota so I don’t know the names that well, I don’t think they want local people doing these polls.” To which I replied; "yes, but the President – that being President Barack Obama" (I repeat the name for his benefit -- including the APPROPRIATE HANDLE as my folks would say) "is over all of the United States."

Now I’m bent over laughing… Would have got on the floor and kicked my heels up but my back has been bothering me. LMBO!!!

So I said –"first of all kind sir you should not be referring to our President as just Barack [which he pronounced Bur Roak] either call him President Obama, or President Barack Obama , or even Mr. President– either way you should certainly know how to pronounce his name."

The ultimate professional indeed, he continues with his survey not missing a beat and began asking me whether I was a Democrat or Republican…to which I replied “can’t you guess” so he did. LOL! He said; “yes definitely a Democrat.” So Now I’m looking at the receiver and \\SMH// (Shaking My Head)!

Phew! Here’s the grand finale – the demographics… He begins by asking about education (surprisingly no income questions) then he gets to race/ethnicity… To which I said (I couldn’t resist it!!!) “Ooh Come on now I think by now you know”, anyway I answered, "African American" to which he says and not with the least bit of sarcasm; “Yes, yes you do sound like one of them” and hangs up.

STILL Laughing!!!

The Book | Chapter 2 : Twelve

“Yeah Roger that Chief. I’ll be there in a half an hour.”

Jose replaced the phone on the receiver and subconsciously began rubbing his eyes and moaning. “ Ugh! -Just what he’s always wanted -- to prosecute a bunch of juvees as adults! This aught to make for great publicity around here!” “Frick FRACK!!!”

“Damn, twelve years in this stinking hole was enough, after all, haven’t I already made a name for myself? Surely this community knows my heart and my record for tracking down crime and corruption. Wasn’t I the one that exposed the educational funds abuse by the Board of Education members? And, did we avoid the plot to blow up the entire downtown are that was being planned by those Arian nation heretics?

“Phew! I gotta make my move soon!”

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy 14th Wedding Anniversary to My Hubby & I

I could lie and say it's been a bed of roses or I can level set for all you "Yet-to-be" ... "Soon-to-be" or "Wanna-Be" married folks.

Either way Love is NOT magical ...yes there are magical moments but it is WORK!!!

It is a Committment to Grow in ...Love and Respect for one another "Inspite of" "Despite" offenses, hurt feelings, misgivings and yes the disagreements.

Nevertheless... "I Do, I Did and I Will"!

The Book | Chapter 2 : ELEVEN

“Jose, Chief Doucan is on line 3, says he’s got a hot and touchy one for ya.”

“Hey Doucan what’s up?” “Two of my guys are bringing in a group of teenage gang members for questioning in the Meadowbrook Villa cases and I need you to come on down here to take notes and make sure things are being done by the book.

What I’m saying Ruiz, is if these kids are guilty I want them to face maximum time. I want them tried as adults. We are going to make an example out of this gang, so if anymore are out there even thinking of doing wrong, they’ll think again. You got me?”

Monday, September 14, 2009

What a Wonderful Experience!

On Friday evening I received a call from my daughter’s school Vice Principal, Mrs. Bento. She was calling to find out how the 1st week and two days of school had gone and if there was anything she or the school could do to improve.

What a novel idea!

Now before folks starting getting all itchy – I LOVED Frank Asante – his style, his presence and most of all his commitment to the children – but this was just an ABOVE and BEYOND experience that as a parent who has had a child in the Plainfield Public schools for the past 9 years – had not encountered.

Oooh I’ve gotten call backs from school administrators, but that was usually the result of me initiating the call…

She was genuinely interested! Her love for the school, these children and the opportunity at hand was distinctly presence in her voice. I shared one concern I had (I had actually planned to go into the school today to discuss) I was immediately offered an amicable and reasonable solution.

I am truly excited about this school, its leadership and the already obvious positive effects it is having on the psyche of our children. My Lovey has always liked school, but now she has a new interest in learning, expressing herself and her dreams, and being a part of something magnificent. I would say it was pride and ownership and hope that I see in her, but for now I’ll just call it the result of newness and wonder.

I’ll keep you all posted.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Ten

Ring!…Ring! Doucan wakes from his restful nap in the arms of Roxy and clumsily reaches for the phone on the end table next to the sofa; “Yeah, Angie who is it?”, “It’s your wife Chief Doucan.” “Okay, thanks Angie.” “Hi Hun, how are you doing?” “ Pretty good baby, I have the afternoon free and thought we could go to Toni’s for a bite, so what do you say -- got some time for your other half?”

“Clare, honey, I’ll always have time for you, but before you quote me on that why don’t you check back with me around one-thirty. We’ve got a gang of teenagers being brought in -- in connection with that string of robberies over there in Meadowbrook Villa, and I’ve got to be there to supervise my guys and make sure they don’t get carried away because they are only kids.”

“Bad kids, but kids just the same, and the DA gets very nervous when it comes to prosecuting kids. So, there’s no room for mistakes that can throw this case out of court.” “Okay, baby, well you take it easy and I’ll check back with you around one-thirty; Love ya - bye.” “Love ya too -- bye.”

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : NINE

The bay window was covered with custom blinds made up of the dark oak that covered the floor and bottom potion of the wall. The draped valance sported a series of pin tucked semicircles in a pinstripe pattern of various sizes that also incorporated all the various colors in the room to help ties the entire look together.

A very masculine, well kept look that spoke of confidence, comfort and the practical nature of its occupant. There were various family photos hung the walls along with photo opts with various political figures like the mayor and city council, along with certificates, plagues and commendations acknowledging Doucan’s service and dedication over the past 15 years.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Eight

Doucan’s office was lined with shiny lacquered walnut planks from the floor midway up the wall. The top half of the wall was painted an eggshell white semi-gloss which help to brighten what would otherwise be a dark one windowed space.

In the two corners framing the large bay window were built in cabinets that once served as china cabinets for its previous owners, but now served as a bookshelves, a trophy stand and photo display case.

There was also a matching pair of Lenox vases that matched the eggshell color of the walls. In each was a collage of eucalyptus, tulips, and other exotic plants that help to unify the burgundy, tans, creams, blues and greens found throughout the office’s decor.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : SEVEN

Refreshed by the scent of lemon, pine and cedar, along with the mingling of eucalyptus and leather that permeated the air along the corridor of the hallway and right into his office, Doucan inhaled deeply in a display of appreciation of the combined earthy aromas that assaulted his olfactory bulb.

Upon opening and reaching the threshold of the doorway, he opened his eyes to take in the modest and quaint space that had been his office for the past six years.

The chief sauntered over to the soft tan colored leather sofa that engulfed its occupants much like the loving arms of a mother and warmed you to your toes making you feel safe and loved.

“Ah -- Hello Roxy…it feels so good to be in your loving arms”, Doucan whispered to his mama sofa as he collapsed in the corner of her loving arms and sunk deep in the folds of her love.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Six

Doucan now in his sixth year pledged daily that he was going to create a new tradition because he didn’t think he could wait for nine more years. After all he had already done fifteen years on the beat, so the thought of fifteen more was daunting. Everyday around noon time he could be heard whistling down the hall to his office and singing “four more years and I’m out of here…doo dah… doo dah…”

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : Five

The domed styled crown molding which replace the gold gilding was also in dark oak, and was polished to a high shine as was the floor and chair rail.

The bottom portion of the wall was painted in the customary wedge wood blue while the top half was completed with an off white matte texture which helped to modernize the well dated walls of this 19th century edifice.

There were only seven such pictures, all white and all served fifteen years as police chief before retiring. This corridor became a rite of passage since the building was purchased to serve its current community service -- a 125 manned police station with 6 cells, a cafeteria, a courtroom, judge’s chambers, Chief’s quarters and business office.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Book | Chapter 2 : FOUR

“Man there’s a war going on out here and from the scorecards I’ve seen we are getting our asses kicked royally.”

Feeling thoroughly disgusted now, Doucan dumps his half full Styrofoam cup of coffee in the trash with a quick flick of the wrist, a splash and muffled ruffle as the cup hit the plastic lining of the old tin, highly battered trash can.

Doucan planned his escape as he was walking down the 1900’s styled corridor with walls lined in dark oak framed pictures of all the police chiefs that had ever held the position. The gold gilded molding that use to run throughout the entire building had long been removed because of the cost to upkeep, but it was still maintain in the more noticeable parts of the building like the courtroom, judge’s chambers and of course the Chief’s quarters which included a shower, Murphy bed, and small kitchenette.

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