Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Year of PARADIGM Switches!

On every level there is evident a change with regard to how we think, how we teach, how we learn, how we partner, how we talk, walk or run and oh yes -- how we lead.

As a country, county, city and community we have been called to a greater consciousness not unlike those times during our most despicable historical events such as slavery, the holocaust, civil injustices, wars with no purpose, tyranny, terrorism (911), upheaval with no direction (WATTS, Newark, Plainfield Riots), unrest, mis-education, under utilization, and communal complacency.

It is time we all take our place in mending and redirecting what ails us! We can do this!!! Whether it is economic growth and stability, ending wars, or reforming the current educational system that plagues Abbott districts such as Plainfield – we CAN DO this!

No more excuses. No more games. No more time!

We are all uniquely gifted, perfectly designed and capable of doing our part in bringing our children, our schools, our community and our country to its full and God-given potential. Let’s be about the business at hand!


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