Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The 1st 10 "I's" of Parental Involvement

Last night I shared with the PEP meeting audience a narrative philosophy of Principal Baruti Kafele. Along with being a Principal, Mr. Kafele is also a national educational consultant and motivational speaker. He is currently the Principal of Newark Tech High School, and as with all good sharing sessions -- I learned something new from Board Member Pat Barksdale – this very same gentleman had been the Principal at Hubbard a few years back and was instrumental in not only engaging and uplifting our children, but also garnering the support of parents through a very effective and highly engaged PTO. That in and of itself SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!

As promised and shared with the group last evening, I agreed to reprint 10 of the 50 “I” statements for Effective Parenting as authored by Principal Kafele. Over the next few weeks I’ll add the other 40 “I’s” and will also share these adages with the PEP meeting participants in “bite size” pieces at our upcoming meetings.

So Parents – use this list to create a vision wall for your home, for your family, for yourself and for your children. Let these affirmations remind us and reenergize us when we become too weary or feel overburdened just what our purpose in this life is all about. Let these words inspire you to continue to fight the good fight until every child understands that they are the embodiment of excellence! Second to NONE!

1. I am a parent to my children.
2. I am my children’s first teacher.
3. I require my children to read books and newspapers daily.
4. I require my children to write daily.
5. I read to my children.
6. I require that my children read African and Latino-centered literature towards their life long study of their history.
7. I educate myself in order to educate my children about their history.
8. I teach my children about the struggle and their roles in the struggle.
9. I talk to my children about having pride in who they are as young African Americans and Latinos.
10. I conduct myself as a role model for my children – I lead by example.
Citation and for more information regarding Principal Kafele and his many contributions as well as on going work log onto: http://www.principalkafele.com/empowerment.htm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as I enjoyed the list, (in full), and am a parent, I am offended as a caucasian resident of Plainfield that you have not made reference to the fact that although this was quoted, it could stand for all parents of Plainfield.

All you needed to do was to change "read literature based upon our heritage." etc.

You had an avid follower, but now I have to question your motives.

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