Friday, November 14, 2008

Acuity & You | Perfect Together!

I want to THANK all of you who chimed in and shared your experience/knowledge with regard to the Aquity testing platform. As some have commented it is a very valuable tool that provides teachers with a real-time understanding and scoring matrix of the individual child’s strengths and weaknesses, but more to the point it enables teachers to gear curriculum specific to the needs of the individual child learner in preparation for both NJASK and future learning in general.

You can’t beat that with a baseball bat!

Maybe next time we will have better communication and staging of this test so that the children are not off for a week and them have to come back to a testing environment. Or, at the very least – they are sent home with study materials so that parents can allocate study time to ensure their children’s test scores are a better representation of their academic acumen – or lack thereof.

Ooh well – it IS what it IS!

Below for your information are links to a site that will provide you with an in depth overview of what Acuity is, how it can be utilized and what the benefits are to our children and our teachers.

Be well and have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why it would really matter. Don't you send your children to school prepared everyday.

Anonymous said...

Of course I do... Do you think I would leave educating my child up to the schools.

Silly Dilly!

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