Monday, July 14, 2008

Back-to-School Night : Wish list

Greetings PEP Family,

A few weeks ago I posted a request for input with regard to developing a more effective, better coordinated Back-to-School Night program for our District. Very few stakeholders have provided input to date.

We really need to understand what would make the Back-to-School Night experience more relevant to you and your child’s needs. Here are a few recommendations we recieved:

  • Stagger the dates so that parents with children at different schools can attend all programs
  • Include Code of Conduct booklets as well as a brief review of District rules and regulations
  • Include a handbook for parents of children with special needs including pertinent contact information, program scope, resource availability and FAQs
  • Provide parents with a contact sheet including emails and direct dial numbers for the school Principal, Vice Principal, Nurse and Head Secretary as well as the Superintendent and lead Administrative Officers i.e. Security
  • Provide a one-pager of after school activities, sports team, organizations and aftercare options including lead contacts, dates and forms
  • Provide information on parent involvement organizations such as SLCs, PEP, PTOs, etc… including lead contact names, telephone numbers and email addresses.
  • Provide all documentation in both English and Spanish
  • Open the floor for a brief Q&A for parents to ask questions during the general assembly

These are just a few of the ideas shared with PEP over the course of this year, but I’m sure there are some we've missed. Please take a moment to send me your wish list with regard to what a successful Back-to-School Night will like for you and your family. You can respond to the comments section for this post, or email me at

I look forward to sharing your ideas and working with the PPS administrators in this endeavor.


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