Friday, February 6, 2009

Thought for Today

Audacity...boldness or daring, esp. with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions... effrontery or insolence; shameless boldness:

As I read some of the going on about Plainfield...yes the rhetoric...I am amazed at the intensity, insensitivity and out and out rude manner in which we speak to and about one another...

How do you encourage partnerships, collaboration and cooperation if all that is put forth are accusations, insinuations and goobledygook.

Come on you guys -- we can do better than this. We deserve better! Stop all this back door name calling and blaming.

If it is the truth -- it will stand on its own. Bring it forth confidently and reverently and stand steadfast in your conviction. Anything else is...well to put it plainly -- is...DISINGENUOUS!

What is your solution(s) to what ails us? What is your value add? What have you done? Most plainly -- what are you doing about making a difference in the life and livelihood of Plainfield's Children?

We can continue to waste time blaming folks, or trying to figure out ulterior motives -- OR -- we can actually begin to work together to bring about the much needed improvements to this city's school.

I'm about the latter! How about You?

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