Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tackling The Testing Monster!

Okay! So finals are coming (BOOOOO!) I think it’s time to talk about studying! Now I know we all hate it, but in the end it will be worth it! So first things first SSSLLEEEEEPPPP!!!

You need lots and lots of sleep! If not you will fall asleep during the exams trust me I have been there (mom, I hope you aren’t reading this). I suggest you start going to sleep early a week before testing starts so you body will get use to settling down in time for the “TEST” week!

Next, make sure all handouts and notes from here on out are being carefully studied, even the simplest of things. Everything is important there is nothing worst than to be completely clueless on something your teacher has put on a test!

When it comes to your notes you MUST be organized by classes and also by dates, don’t worry so much about what happened before the midterms most teachers WILL NOT quiz you on those things but everything after that point you should STUDY STUDY AND STUDY!

Now on the day of the test you need to. . .

1. Get a good night's rest and Pray.
2. Prepare all supplies needed (pencil, test forms, calculator, etc.) before you go to sleep.
3. Eat a light, high-protein meal for breakfast.
4. Arrive early.
5. Relax, taking a few deep breaths.
6. Think positive thoughts.
7. And Pray again
8. Now be confident that you know what you need to know.
9. Do Well!

Here’s a perspective I thought would be helpful as written by McMillen and Keller:

Just remember. . . Test grades are feedback. They are not a measurement of your self-worth, creativity or of your intelligence. If the very idea of taking a test causes your stomach to get creepy and sweat to pour out of your pores, then it is time to rethink your definition of a test. Let's substitute the word "feedback" or "evaluation" for test.

Evaluation is a feedback mechanism that implies purpose and progress. The true purpose of evaluation is to determine your strengths and weaknesses, what you know and don't know, so that you can make adjustments in your study habits to benefit from or build on your strengths in order to improve your weaknesses.

You will come away with the understanding that this is where I am — this is where I want or need to be. What ACTION am I willing to take to reach that point?

So there you have it you have a couple of weeks left. Make the best of it! Start studying and stop throwing away papers! Whatever you do just don’t be nervous like the people above say “ Test are not a measurement of your self-worth, creativity or of your intelligence.” So keep this in mind and do well!

Stay tuned! Thursday's featured post will be about Plainfield schools spring concert series so send me pictures and/or information about your schools spring concert event.

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