Saturday, March 27, 2010

For The Record!

I had a very engaging conversation with Annie McWilliams and I appreciated the opportunity to understand her position as well as express my own.  That's "authentic" intentions in action.

Not the cowardly Anon-mer(s) whose commentary speaks only to their self-centered concerns and how  they are sick of talking about the schools (wonder how many kids they have in the district). Not a single candidate spoke last night -- yet out of the 6 speakers that came up to the mic when I was there -- 5 talked about their concerns for the schools.  Hmmm...

And if Anon has it their way looks like we will be checking our ward cards at the door -- lessen you be speaking about anything they might not be interested in...

Silly Rabbit.

It's not about you think my way or hit the highway, but rather how can we come to some common ground -- and we have a lot of common ground to cover.

Anywho -- thanks Annie for reaching out/in and over!  I look forward to the 3rd Ward's meeting and many opportunities to converse, partner and IMPROVE Plainfield -- the community and the schools!  Be well.

1 comment:

Maria Pellum, Plainfield Resident said...

Thanks Renata for letting us know that things got clarified. I think the road to school quality recognition is still full of up hills, not to mention lack of common knowledge about what the issues in the school system are. Thanks again and good luck!

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