Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hey, Hey, Hey! What Ya Got to Say...???!!!

Ok so we’ve got garbage pail ails…faulty school supply lists, tax abatements or not, layoffs, new appointments, movement here, there and everywhere! One would think Plainfield was a mess. Yet I look outside and the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the grass is green (at least on this side) the streets are clean, children are playing and the sky is blue.

Maybe it’s not utopia but certainly alive and kicking.

It is said our words create our reality. Well I say we better start speaking life and hope and courage and strength and excellence into our city officials, our schools, our children and our community…try it…we've done the other part so fluently and frequently -- what is the worse that could happen?!?!

Tell me something good about your day, your city, your neighborhood. There has got to be SOMEThing!

My Word!

*Walkie your Talkie*


Anonymous said...

One of the best things that happen to me each morning is that I, a Senior citizen,along with many others spend an hour or so at Hub Stein's track. It is wonderfully maintained, greatly used in the mornings and evenings and the people with whom I have contact come from all "walks of life" and are a testament to the awesome diversity that is Plainfield.
Margaret Lewis


Margaret -- that is SO AWESOME! Thank you kindly for giving us a window into your world view! I use to walk the track some 4 or so years ago. Then life happened and I stopped and I've got the 50+lbs I've gained to prove it. Mayhaps one morning I'll muster up the energy and join you all -- until then -- "keep on truckin!"

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