Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank You!

Where do I begin, or rather how do I begin? I guess --like all good talks -- you start out with the positive. With that said, I want to thank the following individuals for taking the time to join the PEP Meet and Greet Social held last evening:

Board Representation - (50%)
Pat Barksdale
Wilma Campbell
Brenda Gilbert
Lisa Logan Leach
Katherine Peterson

City Representation (11%)
Adrian Mapp

Community Representation - (<1%)
Connie Buwa
Herb Green
George Rivera
Carol Williams
The Young lady w/the Beautiful multicolored outfit (email me your name and I’ll post it)

Schools/Teacher Representation (~1%)
Brenda Logan

Parent Representation (<1%)
Terence McLeod
Denise Riley – Emerson PTO President

Our Children (~1%)
7 Children were present

If I've missed you, my sincere apologies -- please email your name and I will certainly post it!

I invited over 150 persons from the school district and the community-at-large, and I want to say thank you to the many who sent their regrets and offered "Keep Up the Good Work" words of encouragement and support. It is greatly appreciated.

PLAINFIELD -- take note and pay attention to those who come out in support of the "small" things when there are no T.V.s or Cameras or Reporters. For these are the ones who will certainly ride out the storm and be there with the blanket, bowl and warm fire.

In fairness to the "City Council" I did not personally invite anyone of them; I did however invite our mayor and assemblyman. And again -- although I did not invite a specific council person other than the two city official positions I spoke of -- one out of the nine managed to find out. I rather like someone who has their 'ear' to the ground and knows what is going on in the city...!

I have been supporting parental involvement efforts through my local school's PTO and PEP for the last 4 years and in the last year as President of PEP and via my personal funds. My term ends effective June (the last day of school) 2009. I have reached out to many members in the community in hopes of identifying a team of individuals who would be willing to lead PEP onward.

When asked last evening if there were any parents and/or community person that would be willing to step up -- I paused for several seconds and I came to the realization that in fact -- I know of six such persons. Six people who have eloquently spoken of their love and commitment to our children and who have publically declared not only the necessity for parental involvement throughout this city, but the need to increase it, encourage it and yes support it for the betterment of our schools.

So to Mr. Abdul-Haaq, Ms. Henderson, Ms. Westbrook, Mr. Williams, Ms. Hollis and Mr. Ruffin Sr. -- although the citizenry did not support your run for the BOE; please do not become disheartened and allow your passion for our children and your commitment to this community to wane. Each of you has been positioned “for such a time as this”! Please take this opportunity to truly show Plainfielders your level of dedication to our children and their education.

Parents Empowering Parents need YOU to take it to the next level!


Anonymous said...

Hi Renanta,

You have done an EXCELLENT job with PEP. We can only reach the people who want to be reached and you have covered all avenues. Your term comes to an end, or does it? If no one steps up what can you do. Sometimes people are afraid to step up because they feel they can't be as committed as you were, but to them I say this "Do the best you can and do it your way" Am I right or wrong? Good job PEP Board, good job, and my love to all the children in Plainfield Public Schools, (including my granddaughter Cherice!) It's allabout our children because they are our future. Parents & community please continue to support PEP, even when you are on a different page!
Vickey Sheppard

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. I thought that the meet and greet was a wonderful idea and one that I enjoyed. I wish you all of the best.

Lisa Logan-Leach

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