Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On the Matter Of...

Last week our district blog (PPS News Online) offered the community an opportunity to "Ask The Superintendent" -- in the interest of providing information through all available outlets -- here is the response to two of the questions I posed on behalf of PEP and the concerns brought forth:

Dr. Gallon,My concern has always been with regard to the structured exclusion-- by way of ommission -- of a rigorous, consistently meaningful and competitively sound Gifted & Talented Program at all grade levels within the PPS.I attended your presentation, but it failed to answer the very fundamental question -- When can I and other parents who have been challenged with finding alternative means to stimulate their gifted child(ren)expect a city-wide, full school year Honors (gifted & talented) programma within PPS?


The target date for such an expectation of the Plainfield Academy for the Arts and Advanced Studies is September 2009. The 2008-09 school year will be devoted to planning and development. A framework, unveiling, and “next steps” should come before the BOE and community on or around January 2009. Additionally, we are developing and increasing courses and sections for Gifted Students at all of our secondary schools. In short, we have revamped Master Schedules to reflect such offerings for the 2008-09 school year. Thanks for your interest!

Follow-up Question: If I understand the term secondary -- this suggests that we are speaking of the middleschool and higher grades. Given the expansion to the K-8 model (or the inclusion of middle grades in the primary schools) -- are these advanced courses also going to be offered "THIS YEAR" to those students? Specifically -- 6th graders within the K-8 model schools?

Is there a district-wide policy on volunteering within PPS?Parents would like to understand how they can help -- what are the limits, qualifications etc...Can the district produce A Volunteer Handbook for PPS with stated policies and procedures? If so when? If not -- why?


I am still, and may remain in the process for some time of determining what we currently have in the district and aligning it with what we actually need. Both will most importantly consider what is or has been effective. Policy questions and procedures may be directed to the Office of Administrative Services. Please know, however, that the safety and security of our children will be priority. To this end, it should be expected that all volunteers will have to go through an appropriate screening and background review process.

Follow-up Response: Well parents -- perhaps I didn't ask the question clearly enough, but nevertheless at the very least you have a point of contact. I would suggest reaching out to the OAS for clarity on the definition of a Volunteer so as to understand if you are reading a book to your child's class every now and then would this necessitate you going through a screening and background review -- and most importantly -- who pays...?

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