Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Look what YOU can do for

Brought To You By the Cedarbrook PATT -- It's a TRADITION!

"The Principles of Principalship -- Support Your Children!!!"

"Who's NEXT..."


"JERONIMO & Away We Go!"

"Shoot, Shoot To Hoop -- IN!!!"

" I Always Knew I'd Have My Own Castle Some Day!"

"How Does He Do That???!!!"

"Magical Moments"

"Climb Way Up THERE!!!???"

"OK -- Let Me See How They Do This..."

"Step Right Up -- Take Your Best Shot Buddy!"

"Ut...Oh...ut...oh...Maybe...The Anticipation is Killing Me"

"United We Stand!!!"

"Simply The Joy of It All!!!"

"1 for You, 1, 2, 3 For Me!"

"Would that be with Butter or CHEESE!"

"[Frank]ly My Dear -- We've Got This!!!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Retrospectively Speaking...

As I look back on the past 3 years, but most notably the past year, I have to marvel at all the learning that took place. Whether it was researching the K-8 model, CIM (in the business world we call it CPI) or the value of parental involvement under the direction of a parental involvement policy – the insight that resulted will forever change who I am.

I’ve learned a whole heck of lot about people too. Just check out where I started in terms of a “team” and where I ended. Thanks GEORGE R. and Mrs. Strossie Smith for hanging in there with me! People have a different interpretation of what commitment means as well as quality service-level (performance). And whether you lead by example or set expectations --people will only do what they want when they want to.

There will always be those that complain incessantly – just take a look at the NJ Forum (but the Bible does provide solid council on this). No matter how much truth gets published the murmurers and complainers will only acknowledge what is convenient to support their personal feelings/agendas.

I’ve learned that people in power don’t necessary “play fair” yet they can never escape the laws of reap and sow! Everyone you call a friend is an honor not an absolute. I believe the correct term would be FRIENEMIES in today’s vernacular – and they abound.

I’ve always known that prayer is powerful and that the petitions of the righteous availeth much, but I had to be reminded of how POWERFUL a simple smile can be!

I’ve learned that through it all my daughter has been watching me. She has gained confidence in knowing she has an advocate who will NOT be moved when it comes to providing for her general welfare. I've learned what so many know but don’t practice…you can’t ask of others what you yourself won’t give!

Patience is a virtue gained only through strife and I have overcome! There will rarely be too many people willing to do what needs to be done, but there will always be ENOUGH to get it done. GOD does provide!

And finally - -I've learned that parental involvement is MORE THAN A NOTION!

Monday, June 22, 2009

OOooo What a NIGHT!!!

Friday night was certainly a magical moment and an awesome way to end my leadership of the PEP organization. As the song goes it was POETRY in motion! The true epitome of partnerships in cooperation!

I offer my many thanks to Dr. Gallon, III for agreeing to support this effort and a PROFOUND thank you to Dr. Bailey (my co-hostess) who took the lead and brought it home. But most importantly, I want to thank DEBORAH BOYD who was in fact the linchpin that supported the entire evening’s event. She coordinated the district’s efforts, performances, food and logistics and without her it would have been a BUST. So – Deborah please know I am truly grateful for your lead in this and only wish you could have been there to see your handiwork!

And finally, to all the PTOs, parents and schools who saw this as a worthy event and sent representatives, displays and your awesome student talents – this night was ALL ABOUT YOU and HOW working together brings out the very best and Friday evening’s event was truly THE VERY BEST!

Plainfielders watch for the PHS Dance Ensemble lead by Mr. Taylor, The Jefferson School Band, Evergreen’s Hispanic Dance Troup and Clinton School Students and PTO -- their performances were AMAZING! So – if you ever wonder what our children are doing…wonder no more – take some time out and support these worthwhile groups!

Also make sure you make the next showing of the District's "Year in Review" video presentation -- it will make your soul sing and reignite the hope that will help move this district forward!

Be Well!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Piggy-backing off Maria's Blog

After both reading and commenting to Maria’s Blog with regard to what started out as a question as to how do we as a community stop the flight of families from Plainfield in search of better schools but turned in to, at least partially a misrepresented solution -- at least in my humble OPINON. More specifically – that interjecting more “white students” into the PPS District would “automatically” improved the status quo.

I take exception to this precept in terms of a “color” specific cure, but rather peripherally agree that if the “FULL” concentration of this community would support the schools we have – AT EVERY LEVEL – then in fact our schools would absolutely be better. Unarguably diversity is a 21st century stronghold in the business community and schools are no exception, but in the purest sense -- it is the diversity of thought, ideas and partnerships – not Complexions!

I came across this article that I thought was profoundly fitting given some of the comments on Maria’s Blog. If you haven’t already – stop by and check out the commentary she’s developed on this subject matter…and please take a moment to check out the full text of the pull quotes noted below.

Commentary: What do you expect of black students?
By: Leonard Pitts Jr., a columnist for The Miami Herald, 2004 Pulitzer Prize Winner

(CNN) -- Back in 1972, on an episode of "All in the Family," Gloria posed the following riddle to Archie and Meathead.

Father and son go driving. There's an accident. The father is killed instantly, the son is rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. The surgeon walks in, takes one look at the patient and says, "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son."

The answer to the apparent paradox eluded Archie, Meathead and the guys down at Kelsey's bar for the balance of the half hour… which was, of course, that the surgeon was the boy's mother.

…Thirty-seven years later it is, perhaps, difficult to appreciate why this riddle ever was a riddle, how so apparent an answer could have stymied Archie, Meathead and, I would wager, the vast majority of the viewing audience.

The riddle speaks volumes not just about how the world has changed in four decades, but also about how unconscious expectations can blind us to the obvious. In 1972, one expected a man when one heard the word "surgeon."

Much as, in 2009, one expects a white kid when one hears the word "scholar."

People will deny this, will say all the right and politic things. But the disclaimers will be as thin and transparent as Saran Wrap. Black, white and otherwise, we are all socialized by the same forces and all carry, by and large, the same unconscious assumptions. One of which is that a certain level of achievement is black and another is white.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New & Improved...

In Partnership with...

Announcing ...

2009 Plainfield Public Schools
PTO/PTA Celebration
(Formerly – Superintendent’s Apple Awards)
[By Invitation Only]

When: Friday, June 19th
Time: 6:30 – 8:30
Loc.: Washington Community School (Cafetorium)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Imagine a Better World....

Stop by their table today @ Cedarbrook Park to Learn More!

Now accepting applications for grades 6 & 7 for the
September 2009 school year.

The Ellen G. Pressman Charter School of Plainfield, New Jersey is funded in part by

The Imagine a Better World Foundation.

Watch a presentation of the Dr. Ellen G. Pressman Charter School

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Keep Hope Alive!

Education Options for 6 & 7 Graders:

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Beginning of the END!

The month of June ushers in the beginning of warm thoughts and brighter day -- but most importantly -- at least according to my daughter -- it brings the promise of the end of the school year! Well it's official only 23 days remaining for the 09 School year.

Plans for graduation parties, family vacations, cookouts, and relaxing summer days reading books poolside are underway!

Here's to hoping your plans for JUNE -- and for the rest of the Summer -- bring you lots of smiles!

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