Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sorry It’s taken me so long to post on the spring concerts.

As far as PAAAS we did very well! Everyone has really improved the dancers were literally amazing. They had me standing to my feet by the time the first song was over. The choir did very well although they stole our song (et-em. . . cough) but that’s okay. They have learned how to sing louder and act like they really want to be up there. Theater had me laughing they spoke with great emotion and were very confident. Now band we did good! My only suggestion for us is to do more updated songs, songs that people can really sing and dance to! Well so that’s my take on our concert and since nobody else happened to inform me about any other concerts (NOT GOOD) this will be all for today!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stay Cool!

Compliments of my cousins Sam and Courtney and her boyfriend Jay...

My Family has skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tackling The Testing Monster!

Okay! So finals are coming (BOOOOO!) I think it’s time to talk about studying! Now I know we all hate it, but in the end it will be worth it! So first things first SSSLLEEEEEPPPP!!!

You need lots and lots of sleep! If not you will fall asleep during the exams trust me I have been there (mom, I hope you aren’t reading this). I suggest you start going to sleep early a week before testing starts so you body will get use to settling down in time for the “TEST” week!

Next, make sure all handouts and notes from here on out are being carefully studied, even the simplest of things. Everything is important there is nothing worst than to be completely clueless on something your teacher has put on a test!

When it comes to your notes you MUST be organized by classes and also by dates, don’t worry so much about what happened before the midterms most teachers WILL NOT quiz you on those things but everything after that point you should STUDY STUDY AND STUDY!

Now on the day of the test you need to. . .

1. Get a good night's rest and Pray.
2. Prepare all supplies needed (pencil, test forms, calculator, etc.) before you go to sleep.
3. Eat a light, high-protein meal for breakfast.
4. Arrive early.
5. Relax, taking a few deep breaths.
6. Think positive thoughts.
7. And Pray again
8. Now be confident that you know what you need to know.
9. Do Well!

Here’s a perspective I thought would be helpful as written by McMillen and Keller:

Just remember. . . Test grades are feedback. They are not a measurement of your self-worth, creativity or of your intelligence. If the very idea of taking a test causes your stomach to get creepy and sweat to pour out of your pores, then it is time to rethink your definition of a test. Let's substitute the word "feedback" or "evaluation" for test.

Evaluation is a feedback mechanism that implies purpose and progress. The true purpose of evaluation is to determine your strengths and weaknesses, what you know and don't know, so that you can make adjustments in your study habits to benefit from or build on your strengths in order to improve your weaknesses.

You will come away with the understanding that this is where I am — this is where I want or need to be. What ACTION am I willing to take to reach that point?

So there you have it you have a couple of weeks left. Make the best of it! Start studying and stop throwing away papers! Whatever you do just don’t be nervous like the people above say “ Test are not a measurement of your self-worth, creativity or of your intelligence.” So keep this in mind and do well!

Stay tuned! Thursday's featured post will be about Plainfield schools spring concert series so send me pictures and/or information about your schools spring concert event.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Walk Worth Taking!

Saturday there was a fundraising walk-a-thon which I proudly got to attended. It was a very nice event. Many people, to my surprise, showed up and walked a whole lot. This fundraiser was dedicated to helping to find a cure for cancer, and it received a lot of support judging by all the walkers that were out and about. I believe the organizer came close to or met their goal of raising $40,000 for the cause

It did get kind of messy around 10’oclock because of the really heavy rain, but some people were so dedicated they still walked and supported the cause. On the other hand I went into the sleeper to stay dry and hopefully get some sleep. (laughing out loud).

What A Cozy Cove...

That's me trying to HIDE from the PHOTO Monster!

This event meant a lot to me since my grandmother died from Glioblastoma Multiforme, (a form of brain cancer) almost 4 years ago. This inspired me to really walk and support the event since I had lost a really close relative and I know how quick it strikes and how sad it can leave a family.

Even if you don’t have relatives with cancer just do it because it’s the right thing to do. If you were in a situation where you needed treatment wouldn’t you want someone to walk for you to help you get the things that you need to survive?

This event was more than just raising money for people with cancer. It was to help build you, to build your heart to give back all that you’ve received. That is why we all should do things like this. Don’t think they are out to get your money if you do than maybe this isn’t for you when you do this your heart has to be in the right place, and during this event I really saw that.

So on that note, I hope next time you guys will come out and support this activity. You don’t have to be an adult to make a difference. This is important and when you have participated in it you will have a feeling of accomplishment and pride. Even if you just attend for even 1 hour, it can make a difference in someone’s life. Next year you have a chance, make a difference; use that opportunity appropriately. In the long run you will feel so good about taking part in a community event that is helping to stamp out cancer!

Tomorrow:It's that TIME:  Finals! Studying Strategies – how I tackle the testing monster!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can You Spell Capitulation...Well Asaiah Edwards Can and Did!

Well this is finally Milani and yes this is my first blog post “WOOT”. So I thought the nice thing to do would be to explain why it took me FOREVER to write a blog post. Well lets just say school work so THANKS to my teachers I have TONS of work.

How about we start out with the district spelling bee! It was a very nice event the artwork a.k.a. decorations were FANTASTIC, and the spellers well after about the 20th word I had no clue what they were spelling it was just like a whole bunch of letters!

The first word happened to be “coffee” and then there were about 38 more words after that which made up the first round. The first round—No one got out at all (yay)! That was very good to see.

Second round—8 people out (still very good)The first word misspelled was “exercise”. Just thought I would put that little detail in.

Third round—3 more added to the 8 (for people who cant add that’s 11)

Fourth round—4 more added to the 11 (15)

Now there happened to be more rounds but there weren’t enough people left to really bother counting at this point.

So by the 7th round there were 3 people left Sapphire Andrews, Asaiah Edwards and Jasmine Medina . (All seen in the photo below)

After Sapphire got out it was Yasmine and Asaiah and they went at it with so much back and forth it was crazy and the words were even crazier. In total they went through about 225 words it was unbelievable! (This includes ALL the spellers – of course!) But in the end Asaiah Edwards won the battle; a 6th grader at Cedarbrook Elementary (my old school! – Woo Hoo!!)

To all contestants—Thank You, you guys did great and keep up the fantastic work and I hope to see you in the next one!

Tomorrow:  My Exploits @ the "A Race For A Cure" Event -- Fun Stuff...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

In Case You Are Interested in the TRUTH...!

I know this was supposed to be the debut of my daughter’s take over for this blog but given the events of yesterday and the absolutely preposterous conclusions being put forth, I felt it not only necessary but an obligation to provide some clarity on what ACTUALLY happened.

First, I want to thank those of you who were courageous enough to approach me and solicit the truth of the matter. I appreciate your willingness to have the conversation, as oppose to riding by, peering over, and then posting ‘opinions’ based on misconceptions and other maledictions that have NOTHING to do with getting at the truth.

Apparently at 2:18 PM on yesterday (I shared a copy of the emailed communications received with those who stopped to inquire and were REALLY interested in the TRUTH) the lawyers sent an email to the Board Members expressing concerns about the legality of the meeting AND advising of potential culpability if attended.

NEITHER myself, Keisha nor Rasheed have been provide with an accessible email account, a Computer or a Blackberry from the district so all the communications regarding the lawyer’s advice was not received by us until approximately 4:05 PM once Wilma had read her email and contacted the three of us to share the chain of emails that had been initiated beginning at 2:18 PM and concluding at 3 PM on yesterday.

After being advised of the emails, I contacted Lisa directly and asked if she had a letter on letterhead, with inked signatures from the Commissioner and County Superintendent mandating this emergency meeting and confirming the legality of same. Her reply was no; she had been advised via several phone conversations throughout the week. I advised her that a situation as delicate as this required documentation, and that I must be able to read for myself, and further, that I could not in good consciousness attend this meeting, especially after having been advised of the legal concerns and not having an physical documentation to support her claim. I also advised that neither Wilma, Keisha nor Rasheed would be in attendance based on the same premise.

My position is, was and will ALWAYS be – That I WILL NOT move on any business of this Board until I HAVE THE NECESSARY information to make a wise, informed and appropriate decision. I have not come here to continue the business as usual and I will certainly NOT BE MOVED by ill advised maneuvers instigated by ulterior motives.

We are a body of NINE and at the VERY LEAST the 9 of us need to have a comfortable understanding AT EVERY JUNCTURE along the decision tree the pros and cons of the situation and make a decision based on Majority CONSENSUS. Not any ONE individual has the right to decide what is best for the Board, Our Schools or Our Children– if that were the case then the Board would be a body of a single member.

Be clear, neither I nor those of us who ran together are deterred from the business at hand,BUT we will DO THIS in DECENCY and in ORDER

or I will take NO PART IN IT (PERIOD)!

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